MES4020 – Fieldwork in the Middle East

Course content

The purpose of this course is to train you in the collection, processing, critical assessment and initial analysis of data in preparation for work on your master thesis. Based on your project description, and under guidance of your supervisor, you will identify and collect different kinds of data. Depending on the topic of research, these may include data from:

  • literary, historical, political or other kinds of texts
  • interviews, participant observation, other kinds of fieldwork
  • online sources, radio and TV programmes, films, etc.

All methodologies of collecting relevant data require a conscious and critical approach. Therefore, an important part of the course implies reflection on the methodology and practices of data collection.

The course is designed to be taken in conjunction with MES4610 – Voices from the Middle East: How to Communicate Research Results

Learning outcome

  • You will learn how to determine the relevance and validity of different sources through identifying and collecting data for your project
  • Depending on your chosen methodology you will for instance:
    • learn how to communicate in your language of specialization with interviewees
    • learn how to find historical texts through local and/or digital archives
    • learn how to work as a researcher in different cultural or political settings
    • learn how to identify different versions of the same text in an Middle Eastern language

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.

This course only admits students from Asia and Middle East Studies, programme option Middle East Studies.

Formal prerequisite knowledge

Students must have completed their first year of master studies before they can take this course.


Five seminars throughout the semester. The seminars will serve as a platform to discuss experiences and challenges that the students face when doing field work.

Your primary point of contact will be your academic supervisor, who will assist and guide your data collection and provide individualized advice regarding methodology. You are advised to communicate with your supervisor at least once a month throughout the semester.

In addition to the seminars, the course has a Canvas room where you submit your obligatory paper. In the Canvas room you will find both a discussion forum and announcements concerning the course.

Compulsory activity

  • Submission of a 6-10-page field report (draft) explaining your choice of methodologies, the process of data collection, and reflections on the research process. The paper should engage with at least one of the texts on the syllabus.

The draft of the field report must be submitted in Canvas and approved by your supervisor in order to qualify for the final exam.

Approved compulsory activity is only valid for one semester.

Absence from compulsory activities

It is important that you familiarize yourself with the rules regarding absence from compulsory activities, to prevent being excluded from teaching and losing your eligibility to take the exam.


The exam is a portfolio that consists of two papers:

  • Field report, revised after comments from your academic supervisor.
  • One of the following options, to be determined after consulting with your supervisor:
    • Translation (into English or a Scandinavian language) of an original text (2-4 pages) within your Middle East language of specialization.
    • Transcription in your language of specialization of 1-3 recorded interviews (depending on length).
    • Translation into English or a Scandinavian language of 1-3 recorded interviews (depending on length).
    • Translation of any kind of sources in your language of specialization, for instance parts of a movie, a TV show, blog discussions, speeches, etc.

You must fulfill the requirement of the compulsory activity in order to qualify for taking the exam.

Grading guidelines

Language of examination

You may write your examination paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 7:23:28 AM

Facts about this course

Teaching language