
Published Nov. 10, 2023 9:17 PM

As a part of our ordinary teaching, we are going to have the following guest talk by Barbara Wall (Copenhagen University) on November 15:

"Translations of The Journey to the West in North Korea and Yanbian"


In contrast to typical assumption that popular literary classics like The Journey to the West are stable texts with a single original, Barbara Wall approaches The Journey to the West as a dynamic text comprised of all its variations. From Korean scholars in the 14th century to boy bands like Seventeen in the 21st century, artists and storytellers from diverse backgrounds participate in the ongoing creation of the “story world” known as The Journey. By focusing on translations of The Journey to the West from North Korea and Yanbian, Barbara Wall tries to explore new ways to understa...

Published Oct. 21, 2023 4:44 PM

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 12.15-14.00, UiO, SB Aud 1. - KOR2510 lecture (open for public):

"North Korean Economic Development Strategy and the Issue of Technological Innovation" by Hojye KANG, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Koreastudien, Freie Universit?t Berlin

(History and Policy of Science-Technology in North Korea)

Abstract: North Korea has succeeded in developing its own nuclear weapons and ICBMs. No other country - as small and as impoverished as North Korea - has ever managed to do this while overcoming a severe economic blockade.

Moreover, these technologies have recently been applied beyond the defense sector to "improve the quality of life of its citizens." The pace of economic development has begun to accelerate.

This lecture will provide a brief overview of North Korea's nuclear and missile technology. We will also look a...

Published Sep. 29, 2023 8:58 PM

Dear all,

May I kindly ask you to do the mid-term evaluation for this course here: ?

I am looking forward to your suggestions and criticisms!



Published Aug. 14, 2023 8:35 PM

Dear all,

You are invited to the online lecture by Cheehyung Harrison Kim (Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa), "Architecture and Technology in Postwar North Korea, and the Problem of Fixed Capital". It will take place on August 31st, 15.00, on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 618 5931 7282


"The rebirth of North Korea after the Korean War—centered on state authority and productive work culture—was distinctly represented by architecture and technology of the quotidian kind. In particular, apartments and tractors were celebrated as emblems of new socialist life. Architecture was divided into two interconnected types:&...

Published June 9, 2023 4:22 PM

The digital multiple-choice test in Canvas based on the obligatory reading list and classroom teaching contents (excluding guest lectures) will be available from 10.00 on October 23 (Monday) to 16.00 on October 24 (Tuesday). For these who fail it, the second (and last) attempt will be available from 10.00 on October 26 (Thursday) to 16.00 on October 27 (Friday). The test will consist of 5 multiple-choice questions.