GUEST LECTURE: "North Korean Economic Development Strategy and the Issue of Technological Innovation" by Dr. Hojye KANG

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 12.15-14.00, UiO, SB Aud 1. - KOR2510 lecture (open for public):

"North Korean Economic Development Strategy and the Issue of Technological Innovation" by Hojye KANG, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Koreastudien, Freie Universit?t Berlin

(History and Policy of Science-Technology in North Korea)

Abstract: North Korea has succeeded in developing its own nuclear weapons and ICBMs. No other country - as small and as impoverished as North Korea - has ever managed to do this while overcoming a severe economic blockade.

Moreover, these technologies have recently been applied beyond the defense sector to "improve the quality of life of its citizens." The pace of economic development has begun to accelerate.

This lecture will provide a brief overview of North Korea's nuclear and missile technology. We will also look at North Korea's economic development strategy from the perspective of technological innovation. It can be called "Spin-off from the military to the civilian sectors."

Bio: Dr. Kang teaches the students at Freie Universit?t Berlin, Institute of Korean Studies, with a special focus on North Korea Studies. He conducts research on North Korea Studies from a historical perspective faithfully but also grasping the latest trends closely. He studied Physics(BA) and changed his major to history. He studied in the Program in History and Philosophy of Science (PHPS), at SNU. The theses of MA and PhD were history and policy of science and technology in North Korea. He has a plan to write the whole history of North Korea without power struggles, focusing on National Building, National Innovation System. His latest research topic is ‘National/Regional Innovation System’.

‘The On-Site Research Program and the Formation of Science and Technology in North Korea’(2003) ‘History of Science and Technology in North Korea 1’(2007), ‘Analysis on North Korea’s Declaration of Nuclear Force Completion and an Alternative for Denuclearization’(2020), ‘Research on North Korea: An Analysis of Doctoral Theses Registered in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database’(2021).

Also on ZOOM (hybrid lecture): to an external site.

Meeting ID: 688 3385 7834


Published Oct. 21, 2023 4:44 PM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2023 4:44 PM