Beskjeder - Side 2

Publisert 11. mars 2014 12:11
Publisert 9. mars 2014 16:29

The date for the recitation of a poem, song, etc... will be the 31st of March. The material you can choose from to memorize will be handed out in class on the 10th of March. 

The deadline to write a short essay (7-8 machine written lines, with space for corrections) is the 7th of April. You can choose one of the following topics:

?- ?? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ? ?????? ?

?- ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?????  ?????? ? ?? ???? ??????

? - ?? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?? ????????? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? ????????

Publisert 7. mars 2014 16:28

Wednesday the 12th of March/ Unit 7, Al-Kitaab.

(in the light of the information coming from Stephan, there will be class on wednesday).

Learn the vocabulary under ?? ???????. 

Write only the missing words in nr.5 p.209 (10-11-12-13-14-15) and nr.7 p.211(9-10-11-12-13-14) and submit to your teacher.

Write one sentence with each of the expressions p.212 to read in class. Learn the grammar p. 220...224 and write only ????? of the verbs in nr.16 with ??? (m+f) and ???? to read in class.

Publisert 7. mars 2014 16:23

Monday the 10th of March/ Chapter 6, Al-Kitaab

Learn the vocabulary under ?? ???????+ ??? ??????: ???????? ???????? 

Read the rest of the text of ??? ?????? till ???? ???????? ?? ?? ???????? . ?Translate and add ??????? from ???? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? till ???? ??? ????? ???.

In class you will discuss nr.17 (3-4) p. 186 based on the parts that you have read in the text, and nr.7 (1-3-8-9)p.178. 

Publisert 2. mars 2014 19:09

Thursday the 6 of March/ Unit 6 and 7, Al-Kitaab

In chapter 6 do nr.31.

In chapter 7 learn the vocabulary in ?????? ??????? p.203-204 and verb ???? p.206.and do nr.2 (1-3-6-7-8),  in class ask and answer these questions  in 2 b (1-3-4) and 8 (1-3-9). Do nr.3 (alif), 7 (1 to 7).

Write ONLY the missing words in nr.5 ( 1 to 9) and in nr.6 and submit to your teacher.

Publisert 1. mars 2014 16:18

Wednesday the 5th of March/ Unit 6, Al-Kitaab

Learn ?????, ????? ???????? ? ????? ?????? (+ Abu Chakra p.303...305, chapter 33 and 31) and do nr.20, 24 (1-3-4-5-7-9), 26, 27 (1-2-4-7).


Tuesday 4th of March / Halloun, ???????

  • U8, ex. 5 (s. 50) (sett inn b-presens til ????? ?????? : ba-rū?, ba-?ūf, ba-qūl, osv.)
  • U8, ex. 15 (s. 54), oversettelse (leveres).


Publisert 28. feb. 2014 17:53

Monday 3rd of March/ Unit 6, al-kitaab

Read the first 3 paragraphs of the text p.184 from ???? ??? ?????? till ??????? ??????. Put ??????? on the first 2 paragraphs and translate them.

In nr 17 answer questions 1 and 2. Find ??? ?????? ???? ??????? in paragraphs 2 and 3. 



Publisert 20. feb. 2014 10:09
  • Tema kan v?re hva som helst. Dialogenen kan ta utgangspunkt i boka (b?de al-kitaab og Halloun), men det kan likegodt v?re noe annet.

  • Grupper best?ende av maks. 4 personer

  • Dialogen varer mellom 3 minutter (2 deltakere) og 6 minutter (4 deltakere).

  • Dialogen viser en (omtrent) jevnlig fordeling av tekst p? deltagerne, minst ca. 25 linjer per dialogpart.

  • alt i dialekt (?āmī / filas?īnī / ma?rī)

  • Dialogen inneholder minst ett lengre tall (telefonnummer e.l.) og minst en sekvens der en deltaker ikke forst?r og m? sp?rre hva en annen sa.

  • En skriftlig versjon av dialogen (skrevet i transkripsjon)  leveres til l?reren (med navn til dem som er i gruppen, og rom til rettelse).

  • Pr?v ? bruke kun gloser dere inntil har l?rt, slik at alle kan forst? dialogen.
Publisert 15. feb. 2014 16:53

Thursday 20th of February / Chapter 6, Al-Kitaab

To submit : one sentence with each of the new expressions on p. 180. To submit :In nr 11 ? choose only 2 collections of words and write a short paragraph using at least 4 of the words suggested in each collection you choose.

Do nr. 13 and 14 ( fill in the missing words you hear on the DVD).

Think about and write 3-4 lines about women in Islam. You can listen to the video or write freely to present what you write to class. Some of you will be chosen to do so.

Publisert 14. feb. 2014 16:02

Wednesday 19th of February/ chapter 5, Al-Kitaab

In connection with the grammar on p.159 learn chapter 38 (15) in ??? ???? . You can read read the whole chapter in repetition of what you have already learnt.

Do nr.21 (choose only 5 sentences), and nr.22 (choose only 5 sentences) to go through in class and then submit to your teacher.

Chapter 6: learn the vocabulary and the verbs p.168- 172+ 174.

Fill in nr.2, nr.4 (sentences 1 to 8) and nr. 8 , take copies and submit.

NB : make sure the copies you take SHOW what you write.

Go through nr.3, 5 and 9 in class. In nr. 9 write 3-4 lines about the organization you choose to present in class.

Scroll down to see more homework!


Publisert 14. feb. 2014 15:59

Monday 17th of February/ chapter 5- Al-Kitaab

NB: Submit the translation (obligatory).

Read about the grammar related to p.155, 156 in ??? ???? chapter 25 (p.185-188) NB: You can read the chapter entirely (repetition of ??? ?????).

Do nr.18, and 19 (?? ??? ???????)- Submit nr.20 (sentences 1 to 6 ) and write 4 sentences where you use ??? " ????" in ?????? ???????? NB: you cannot use the examples given in the book.

Write 4-5 lines in ???? about a writer you like to discuss in class (you will submit what you have written). You can use some of the words in nr.23. You cannot write about ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????.


Publisert 12. feb. 2014 17:56


Halloun, Spoken Arabic, I

  • s. 36: nr. 3 (Decline the following words): ?????? ?????? ...??? ? ...???
  • s. 47: nr. 15 ????? ??? ??????????)

Skriftlig! Bruk transkripsjon. Pass p? lange vs. korte vokaler.

  • G? gjennom Units 6 og 7 (s. 35-47) og sjekk hva (gloser, grammatikk) som er nytt for deg som tidligere har l?rt deg syrisk ?āmi el. egyptisk. Ta notatene med til timen.
Publisert 12. feb. 2014 17:28

Som allerede varslet, er repetisjonsuken ikke helt undervisningsfri. Det blir timer med Stephan b?de

  • mandag, 24. feb., kl. 12.15-14, Harriett Holters hus, sem.rom 120 (al-Kitaab), og
  • tirsdag, 25. feb., kl. 14.15-16, PAM 4 (som vanlig) => Halloun, filasTiini. I denne timen gjennomf?rer vi ogs? rollespillene (obligatorisk aktivitet som m? v?re godkjent for ? kunne g? opp til eksamen).

Ingen timer med Mary og Albrecht.

Publisert 10. feb. 2014 23:43

A text was distributed today in connection with the obligatory translation to Arabic that you all have to submit. A copy of the text is left in Mary's post box ( 4th floor PAM) for Daniel, Kjersti and Kristine. The date for submission is next Monday at 14.15h.

Publisert 9. feb. 2014 21:47

You will be given week 9 (24th-28th of February) to repeat. Some teachers however will have to give their courses then as they are forced to be away another week later in the semester. You will get a message from the teachers in question. 

Publisert 8. feb. 2014 15:41

In addition to the book read in ??? ???? p.64-65, chapter 27 (1-2-3-4-5-6-7), and chapter 38 (15). NB: you would also benefit from reading all this chapter as a repetition of what you learned before.

Publisert 8. feb. 2014 15:24

Thursday 13th of February/ chapter 5 in Al-Kitaab

Read the rest of the text (p.149) from ???? ????? ?????? .... ???????? . Put ??????? from ???? ????? .... ???? ????? . Knowing the meaning of what you read  should help you.

In nr.13 discuss questions 2-3 and 4. Answer in writing nr.14 (1-2) and  nr 15 (?-?-?).

Learn the grammar (p.152-153- 155-156) and submit nr. 16 and nr.18 (underline ??????? ??? ???????? in the text p.154 ONLY from ?????? ?.?. ?? ????? ??????? till  ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????.)


Publisert 7. feb. 2014 17:42
Publisert 7. feb. 2014 17:42

Wednesday 12th of February/ chapter 5 in Al-Kitaab

Nr. 8: write down questions 2-3-4-5-6 and 9 to ask your classmates about in class. You should also think about the answers to these questions. Practice your answers at home first.

Listen to the new expressions p.146 and learn them (by reading the examples). Fill in the missing words in nr.10 after listening to the text.

Read all the text p.149 and put ???????  from  ?? ??? ??? ????? till  ?????? ??????. Read these paragraphs in class. In a group of 4 (maximum) work on the translation of this part of the text from    ???? ???? ???? .... ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? (if there is no time to go through the translation in class, the translation should be submitted to your teacher. Do not forget to write the names of all the participants in the group). If you cannot work with or join a group, you can do this on your own.


Publisert 7. feb. 2014 14:29

Monday 10th of February/ Chapter 5 , Al-Kitaab

Learn the vocabulary p.134-135-136- and the verb on p.136.

Take a copy of nr. 1(p.138) after filling the blanks together with nr. 5 (p.142) and nr 7 (sentences 1 to 15) to submit to your teacher.

Do nr 2 (? ? ?) , and in nr.4 write 4 questions to ask your friends in class using the verb  ????. Do nr. 6 ( ?).


Publisert 5. feb. 2014 07:45

Halloun, Spoken Arabic, I

  • s. 28: nr. 20 (Translate the following...)
  • s. 34: nr. 14 (Translate the following...)

Skriftlig! Bruk transkripsjon. Pass p? lange vs. korte vokaler.

  • G? gjennom Unit 5 (s. 29-34) og sjekk hva (gloser, grammatikk) som er nytt for deg som tidligere har l?rt deg syrisk ?āmi el. egyptisk. Ta notatene med til timen.
Publisert 2. feb. 2014 14:54

Thursday 6th of Feb./ Al-Kitaab, Unit 4.

Learn the grammar (p.119-120-122-123-124-125) and do exercises 17 (p.121), 19 (p.123) and 21(p.126).

Submit nr. 25 (p.130) use all the vowels on the missing words and vocalize all the verbs in the text. NB: there are 2 words (among the  20 suggested) that do not fit in the text. Which words are these?

If there is no time to go through nr.20(p.124/on DVD) in class it should be submitted to your teacher.

Publisert 1. feb. 2014 11:15

Onsdag 5th of March /Unit 4

Prepare the text p.117 (whole text!), to read paragraphs 1-4 in class.

Exercise 14: in small groups in class, discuss questions 1, 2 (the first question), and 3.

Exercice 15: In writing answer questions 1, 2, 3.

Exercise 16: In writing answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4 (to submit to your teacher).

Remember to read the grammar in ??? ???? (see earlier messages)that this lesson deals with.

NB: scroll down to see the homework of the previous days.


Publisert 31. jan. 2014 18:14
Publisert 26. jan. 2014 14:06

In addition to the grammar in al-kitaab, read ??? ???? chapter 26 (p.193-194-195), chapter 23 (paragraph 7), all chapter 21 and 22.