
Monday 3rd of March

Lesson 4:

NB: practice reading loud at home the exercises you will read in class.

Do nr.2 (p.108). 

Learn the grammar p.110-111 and do nr.7.

Do exercice 12 p.115 first before listening to it on the DVD and then check if you did it correctly. 

To submit: nr.8 p.112-113 (write the whole sentences) + in nr.11 p.114 write one sentence with each of the words given in 11-? (translate your sentences and leave space for corrections)

To submit and read in class: nr.9 p.113 ( in a group of 3 students, write at least 6 lines - written on a machine- about ONE important figure in History - inventor, politician, leader, artist- using as many new words from the vocabulary of this lesson. NB: do not forget to write the names of all the participants in the group, leave 2 lines for correction, and write the translation of your text in English or Norwegian). If it is hard to collaborate with others, you can write on your own.

NB: we will also try to do nr.5 (1-4-5) p.109 that was assigned for last Thursday.



Publisert 31. jan. 2014 18:14 - Sist endret 31. jan. 2014 18:23