The exam: guidelines

Home exam (seminar variant):

Term paper:                                 

Length and font

  • Between 800 and 1000 words. Write the number of words at the top of the assignment. The total includes references in brackets and footnotes, but not the literature list, and not the description of the assignment which appears at the top of your answer.
  • Use one of the standard fonts, such as Times New Roman, 12 point, with 1 ? line spacing, or use the submission template.
  • Candidate number, assignment number and the assignment description should be included at the top of your text, along with the total word count. Don’t write your name on your submission.
  • PDF-format, please see the following web page: /english/studies/examinations/submissions/

Independence and relevance

  • The text you submit must be your own work.
  • The text must be work that you have undertaken in fulfilment of the assignment you were given in your seminar group.
  • It is not permitted to work on the assignment with other students.

Academic integrity: references and literature list

  • If, in your essay, you cite or quote from external sources (facts, arguments, claims), you must provide appropriate references (citations) to these sources. This applies both when you quote directly from another source, and when you describe arguments given in another source in your own words. References can be included in brackets, or as footnotes/endnotes. The requirement for appropriate references applies to all sources that you use: original texts from the syllabus, commentaries from the syllabus, textbooks, study guides, websites, lecture notes, etc.
  • Direct quotations from other texts must be presented as such, and appropriately referenced.
  • Your essay should include a literature list with all sources used.
  • Missing references may lead to suspicion of plagiarism.
  • A failure to meet the following formal criteria may lead to a submission being graded as F, even if other components are satisfactory. These criteria are:

- When the student makes no direct/specific reference to the text discussed, either through paraphrase or citation/quotation

- When the student fails to include a bibliography/literature list

- When the text does not meet the length requirements (ie it is shorter than 800 words, or longer than 1000 words)

See more detailed information on use of sources and referencing

Exam questions:



  • The answers you give must be your own work. Excessive similarity to other texts, or to other students’ submission, may lead to suspicion of cheating.
  • You must not collaborate with other students in answering the exam questions.

Academic integrity: references and literature list

  • If you include in your answer material from other sources (i.e. facts, arguments, claims), you must provide information about the original author of this information. For example, which philosopher holds this view, or wrote the text that you refer to. Note that in this part of the home exam, detailed references to sources, with page numbers and literature lists are not required, unless you use a direct quotation (in such cases author and page number are a minimum requirement).
  • Direct quotations of a piece of text must be presented as such and referenced appropriately.
  • A failure to meet the following formal criteria may lead to an F grade, even if other aspects of the task are satisfactory: If the student uses a direct quotation, but does not give a specific reference to the text cited.

Candidate number

  • You do not need to list your candidate number in your answer to the exam questions.
  • The number of the question/task you are answering must be included in your answer, for each question. Do not write you name.

See also the grading guidelines for the seminar variant, cf.

The digital exam in Inspera

Both the term paper and the home exam must be uploaded digitally in Inspera. You will receive information on how to do this, nearer the time of the exam.

Time and place of the exam

See: dates and deadlines and the exam.


All submitted work will be run through the plagiarism control programme Ourginal and will be checked against texts on the internet, syllabus literature, study guides, and other students’ uploaded work both for this and previous semesters. Lack of appropriate citations and references or excessive similarity with other students’ work may lead to suspicion of cheating and may result in serious consequences for you as a student.

Publisert 13. apr. 2021 13:03 - Sist endret 21. apr. 2021 20:28