F&P: Human-Sound Interaction (HSI)

This week's Food & Paper will be given by Balandino Di Donato (University of Leicester) on Human-Sound Interaction.

Human-Sound Interaction (HSI)


The design of interactions with sound and audio processes is a seminal activity in creating a performance, installation, a virtual sound environment, or interface for musical expression. The interface often fixates the interaction design without considering human factors and our diverse abilities to perceive the sound and interface affordances. The Human-Sound Interaction (HSI) project looks at how people move and interact with sound and interfaces to control sound, considering their diverse abilities to perceive sound. This talk will present the HIS project’s current and future developments. For more info, look at the HSI project page:

BioImage may contain: Person, Forehead, Nose, Face, Cheek.

Balandino Di Donato is Lecturer in Creative Computing and member of the Creative Computing Research Group at University of Leicester. He is also a collaborator of the Institute of Creative Technologies at De Montfort University. He holds a PhD in designing embodied human-computer interactions in music performance from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. He was Research Associate at Goldsmiths - University of London's Embodied AudioVisual Interaction Unit (EAVI) for the realisation of a wireless EMG board and AI-driven software for musical applications, as part of the ERC funded project BioMusic. Previously, he worked at Integra Lab on the Integra Live development, and at Centro Ricerce Musicali di Roma on the realisation of interactive sound art installations. Alongside his academic career, Balandino is a Sound Artist. He realised award-winning sound art installations (Biennale of Contemporary art and Design 2018Biennale ArteScienza 2019) and performed in international conferences (ICMC, NPAPW, EmuFest, ElectroAQustica). From 2007 till 2014, he was a freelance Sound Engineer and Audio Technician supporting international music productions (Katie Perry, Backstreet Boys, McBusted, The Voice, Carl Palmer, etc).


Mojtaba Karbasi and Henrik Herrebr?den
Published Apr. 8, 2021 2:46 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 1:18 PM