MN-Nytt nr. 03: 1. februar 2024

Titan-prisen 2023 g?r til Sabrina Sartori

Professor Sabrina Sartori, ved Institutt for teknologisystemer, brenner for ? vise vitenskapens betydning for samfunnet.

– Jeg f?ler meg priviligert som f?r jobbe med noe jeg brenner for. Det har alltid v?rt viktig for meg ? dele min entusiasme for vitenskapelige sp?rsm?l og oppdagelser med familie, venner og folk jeg m?ter, sier Sartori.

Titan-prisen deles ut ?rlig til en forsker som har gjort en uvanlig og fremragende innsats med ? fortelle om forskningen ved MN-fakultetet.

Arbeidsmilj?unders?kelsen 2024 (ARK)

Hvordan st?r det til med arbeidsmilj?et ditt? Hva er bra? Hva kan bli bedre?

For f?rste gang skal hele UiO ha arbeidsmilj?unders?kelse samtidig.

Mandag 12. februar sendes arbeidsmilj?unders?kelsen ARK ut til alle ansatte ved UiO. Svarfrist 3. mars.

Som ansatt ved UiO forventes det at alle bidrar til et trygt og helsefremmende arbeidsmilj?. Jo flere som svarer p? sp?rreunders?kelsen og deltar i prosessen, jo bedre er utgangspunktet for ? utvikle gode arbeidsmilj?tiltak, som treffer reelle behov hos de ansatte.

Etter at unders?kelsen er gjennomf?rt og svarene analysert, skal ledere og ansatte 澳门葡京手机版app下载e om ? utvikle tiltak for sin enhet.

Dersom du har sp?rsm?l om unders?kelsen, kan du ta kontakt med MNs ARK-koordinatorer Olga Holmlund eller Elin Thoresen.

Work Environment Survey 2024 (ARK)

How is your work environment? What is good? What could be improved?

For the first time, the entire University of Oslo (UiO) will have a work environment survey conducted simultaneously.

On Monday, 12 February, the work environment survey ARK will be sent to all employees at UiO. The deadline for responses is 3 March.

As an employee at UiO, everyone is expected to contribute to a safe and health-promoting work environment. The more people who respond to the survey and participate in the process, the better the starting point for developing good work environment measures that meet the real needs of the employees.

After the survey is conducted and the answers analyzed, leaders and employees will collaborate to develop measures for their unit.

If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact MN's ARK coordinators, Olga Holmlund or Elin Thoresen.

Ville GPT UiO m?tte g? av som utdanningsminister?

I disse dager er statsr?der i hardt v?r for ? klippe andres arbeid litt ukritisk inn i egne oppgaver. Men ville statsr?d GPT UiO m?tte g? av som minister for h?yere utdanning? Superenkel forskning viser at svaret er ja.

Want to understand Norwegian Working Culture?

International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO) inviterer til workshop for b?de norske og internasjonale ansatte p? UiO som jobber i et internasjonalt milj?.

Tidspunkt: tirsdag 6. februar kl 8:45–11:30
Sted: Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern campus

Workshopen holdes av den franske juristen og bloggeren Lorelou Desjardins, og tar sikte p? ? gi deltakerne innsikt i sosiale normer og uskrevne regler i norsk arbeidsmilj?.

The International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO) is pleased to invite all employees who work in an international environment at the University of Oslo to the following workshop:

Title: "Want to understand Norwegian Working Culture?"

Time & place: Tuesday, 6 February, 08:45 am–11:30 am, Georg Sverdrup’s hus, Blindern Campus

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. This workshop aims to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful, insights into such norms and rules. The workshop is highly recommended for both international and Norwegian staff at UiO.

The workshop will be held by Lorelou Desjardins, a French jurist and writer who has lived and worked in Norway for 12 years. In Norway she is known for her popular blog, book, and newspaper writings about life as a foreigner in Norway and how to understand Norwegian culture. Desjardins has lived in nine different countries and speaks English, French, Norwegian, and Indonesian.

To register and read more about the event, please visit the event page:

Bokprosjektverksted: Hvordan s?ke penger til bokskriving?

Har du en plan, idé eller dr?m om ? skrive en faglitter?r bok? N? har du muligheten til ? f? hjelp til ? skrive en god prosjekts?knad.

REAL kunst

REAL kunst er MNs gjestekunstnerprogram, der kunstnere blir invitert til ? arbeide kreativt sammen med forskere. Digitalt informasjonsm?te 7. februar. Frist for innspill 15. februar.

REAL art

REAL art is the artist-in-residence program at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, where we invite artists to work creatively with researchers. The information webinar is on 7 February 2024. Registration deadline is 15 February.

Nominasjon til UiOs menneskerettighetspris 2024

Universitetet i Oslo inviterer organisasjoner, foreninger og enkeltpersoner til ? nominere kandidater (personer eller organisasjoner) til UiOs menneskerettighetspris – Lisl og Leo Eitingers fond. Fristen er 15. mars.

Nomination of candidates for the University of Oslo Human Rights Award 2024

The University of Oslo invites organizations, associations, and individuals to nominate candidates (individuals or organizations) for the 2024 University of Oslo Human Rights Award, Lisl and Leo Eitinger fund. The deadline is 15 March.

Hva mener du om IT-tilbudet p? UiO?

Hva synes du om IT-tilbudet og IT-support p? UiO?

UiO fikk ny IT-organisasjon i fjor. M?let var ? gi alle p? UiO et bedre IT-tilbud, gi bedre support og v?re mer lydh?re for ?nsker og tilbakemeldinger. N? kan du si din mening.

Alle studenter og ansatte har f?tt sp?rreunders?kelsen p? epost.

Hvis du ikke allerede har svart p? den – gj?r det n?!

Svarfrist 6. februar.

Tell us what you think of IT at UiO

What do you think of IT at UiO? In January last year, UiO established a new IT organization. The reorganization aimed to provide better IT services to everyone at UiO, offer better support and be more responsive to requests and feedback. Please let us know what you think.

All employees and students at UiO have received the survey by email 

If you haven't already answered it – do it now!

The deadline for responding is 6 February.

Call for applications: Inter Circle U. Prize for inter- and transdisciplinary research (ICUP), 2024 Edition

The Inter Circle U. prize (ICUP) is awarded each year to showcase the best examples of inter- and transdisciplinary research at Circle U. universities. For the 2024 edition, three scholars and/or research teams will be selected by a multidisciplinary panel of Circle U. academics and external partners with experience in inter- and transdisciplinary. The deadline is 1 March.

Dekanvalg for perioden 2025–2028

V?ren 2024 skal det velges dekanat for perioden 1. januar 2025–31. desember 2028. Ansatte og studenter inviteres til ? komme med forslag til kandidater til vervene som dekan og prodekan.

Det vil i l?pet av februar vil bli annonsert en tidsplan for valget, der blant annet frist for ? nominere kandidater vil fremg?.

Dean election for the period 2025–2028

In the spring of 2024, there will be an election for the deanery for the period from 1 January, 2025, to 31 December, 2028. Employees and students are invited to propose candidates for the positions of dean and vice dean. A timetable for the election will be announced in February, including the deadline for nominating candidates.

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