Utlysninger / Calls for funding

Below you'll find a list of research funding opportunities. Click on the links to access the calls directly. Please contact your research advisor if you have questions or know of a call that should be added here. 
Target groups are indicative and can vary. 'Researchers' is used for those in permanent academic positions or with significant experience after PhD.
(last updated: 21.05.2024)

Research- and collaborative projects

Call  Description and funding Target group Deadline
Research Council of Norway 
Researcher projects for experienced scientists (approved doctorate at least six years prior to submitting the application). Open to all fields. Researchers open call
Research Council of Norway
Researcher projects for early career scientists (2-7 years after PhD). Open to all fields. Postdocs, 
open call
Research Council of Norway

Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility. 0-7 years after PhD. Open to all fields.

Postdocs open call
Research Council of Norway
Researcher projects for experienced scientists (approved doctorate at least six years prior to submitting the application). Within thematic areas such as Education, Welfare, Culture and Society, Climate, Sámi, Global relations Researchers Spring 2025
Research Council of Norway
(Norwegian only)

Research Centers for Artificial Intelligence (KI-senter). Two step application process: 1) Mandatory project outline (5 pages)

2) Full proposal with tentative deadline 15. January 2025

Researchers Step 1:
7. June 2024

Step 2:
15. January 2025
Research Council of Norway
Researcher projects for early career scientists (2-7 years after PhD) within thematic areas. Postdocs, 
Spring 2025
Research Council of Norway
Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project: Projects require collaboration between research groups and relevant non-academic actors. The goal is to develop new knowledge needed by stakeholders in society or industry to address important societal challenges.  Researchers Spring 2025
HK-dir NORPART: Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation. Supports research and student mobility with partners in the Global South.  Researchers 3. June 2024
Circle U Seed funding, research networks and other calls to foster collaboration across the alliance. 

Seed funds 2024: Should involve at least 3 Circle U universities. 10 000 EUR per project.
All different deadlines

Seed funding deadline: 15. October 2024
Stiftelsen DAM Supports research projects and PhD/Postdoc-positions within health research, i.e. projects that help to enhance living conditions, physical and mental health, quality of life and social participation. Applications must consist of a collaboration with an approved organization (voluntary sector).   PhDs (final stage)
Postdocs, Researchers
February 2025
DNUP Det norske universitetssenter i Paris (DNUP): Collaboration projects with one French and one Nordic partner to cover events, mobility and networking.  Postdoc, Researchers 2025 (?)
DKNVS The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters supports smaller projects (basic research) within all fields of study. All 15. October 2024
NordForsk Funds and facilitates Nordic research cooperation and research infrastructure, usually within larger collaborative research projects.   Researchers, sometimes Postdocs depending on call
NordForsk 2-4 Nordic knowledge-sharing and capacity-building networks for researchers working with research relevant to Indigenous peoples and/or Indigenous research. Postdoc, Researchers 24. September 2024
Peder Sather Grant Supports projects carried out by researchers at UC Berkeley in collaboration with Norwegian researchers. For activities such as workshops, mini-conferences, virtual intellectual exchanges, pilot studies, PhD student exchanges, longer-term stays for PIs, collection and analysis of data, etc.  Postdocs, Researchers Spring 2025
Young CAS Fellow Stays at CAS for postdocs and other young researchers (under the age of 40) Postdocs, Researchers under 40 10. June 2024
CAS Research groups at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) Researchers 18. October 2024

Funding for 2–3 interdisciplinary research groups with a budget of 1-3 million NOK plus a Ph.D. position.

Smaller funds for dissemination and research


15. September 2024


UiO:Life Science Open call for interdisciplinary projects. Please contact info@lifescience.uio.no to initiate a dialogue about your project idea that is relevant for Life Science. Researchers from the humanities are encouraged to apply.

New call for convergence environments





Autumn 2024

Public Sector PhD Project (RCN) Doctoral Project in the Public Sector funded in part by the Research Council of Norway and the employing public enterprise. Supervisors 2025
Industrial PhD Scheme - Doctoral projects in Industry (RCN) Doctoral Project in private industry funded in part by the Research Council of Norway and the employing company. Supervisors 5. June 2024
UiO:Energi Funds interdisciplinary research initiatives across the University of Oslo about Sustainable energy systems. Calls for e.g. research groups, internships, mobility, development of courses. Researchers from the Humanities are encouraged to join. 

Call for UiO:Energy Convergence Environments 2024/2025 - UiO:Energy and Environment

depending on call





8. November 2024 (sketch deadline)

EU and international funds

Application support for EU-grants

ERC Starting Singe PI project within any field of study. (2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD) Postdocs, Researchers 15.  October 2024
ERC Consolidator Singe PI project within any field of study. (7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD) Researchers 14. January 2025
ERC Advanced Singe PI project within any field of study. (for researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years).  Researchers 29. August 2024 / 28. August 2025
ERC Synergy Grant for a group of 2-4 PIs with excellent track record who can apply for up to 10 mill EUR and up to 6 years. Researchers November 2024
ERC Proof of Concept Open only to Principal Investigators of an ERC grant (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced or Synergy). Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of the ERC funded research.  Researchers 17. September 2024
MSCA Individual fellowships for postdoc positions for incoming researchers. Read more about the 2024 Masterclass and how to submit candidates here Postdocs 11. September 2024
MSCA 4 Ukraine Individual fellowships for postdoc positions for incoming researchers from Ukraine. Candidates can be found though a matchmaking-list available in May. Postdocs from Ukraine, Researchers from UiO as mentors 5. September 2024
MSCA Doctoral Networks Funds networks across Europe to train 10+ PhD candidates. Consortia must include at least three partners. Groups, Researchers 27. November 2024
CHANSE/HERA CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, launches transnational calls for collaborative projects. Researchers (?)
COST COST Actions are European bottom-up networks with a duration of four years that boost research, innovation and careers. Want to join an action? Check existing networks here: https://www.cost.eu/cost-actions/browse-actions/ or new actions in 2023. All (for participation)

Researchers (for own networks)
23. October 2024
UKRI International Collaboration with Norway for projects by UK researchers.   Researchers Open
SNSF International Co-Investigator Scheme for projects by Swiss researchers with a sub-project with a Norwegian partner.   Researchers 1. April,
1. October
EEA-grants List of calls that support collaborative research projects between Norway and mainly Eastern European beneficiary states, like Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia etc.  Researchers depending on call
HFSP The Human Frontier Science Program funds postdoctoral fellowships and research funds for teams of 2-4 scientists from different countries and disciplines to focus on problems in the life sciences. Postdocs, Researchers 2025
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond Smaller and larger project grants within Humanities and Social Sciences for individual researchers and groups with a connection to Sweden.  mostly Researchers depending on call
Gerda Henkel Stiftung Grants within Archeology and History for research projects and PhD scholarships.  All depending on call
Jacobs Foundation Fellowships (up to 10 years post PhD) on learning and development of children and youth worldwide. Relevant disciplines include e.g. education sciences, psychology, pedagogy, linguistics, and science of learning.

New call: Learning Variability Network Exchange (LEVANTE) project grants
Postdocs, Researchers





6. October 2024

John Templeton Foundation Supports research projects according to their Funding areas. International researchers can apply. Two-step process with registering project first and getting invited to submit a full proposal later.  Researchers 16. August 2024
(first stage)
Sony Research Award Open innovation program focused in on areas of Sony's immediate interest, e.g. communications, Audio-, Music-, Speech-, and Language Processing, Machine learning etc. Researchers (?)


Education, Dissemination and Travel grants

HF/UiO Funding for longer research trips (1-6 months) by the Faculty of Humanities PhD/Postdocs 1. June,
1. December
Research Council of Norway For PhD and Postdoc financed by RCN-projects only: Funding for Research stays abroad (3-12 months) including extension of contracts for postdocs. PhD/Postdocs open call
(Norwegian only)
Funds operational expenses, equipment, travel and research assistance with up to 50 000 NOK.  All 15. January
Circle U  Intersectoral Mobility Scheme for the Early-Career Researchers. Grants to work on a project at a non-academic organisation for about a month. PhDs, Postdocs (?)
Letterstedtska f?reningen (Swedish only) Supports research activities, conferences and seminars, guest researchers, publications. Focus on the Nordic countries.  All 15. February, 
15. September
The Norwegian Institute in Rome Young researchers can apply for grants (up to 30 000 NOK) to study the archeology, art, language, culture and society of Italy and the Mediterranean. PhDs, Postdocs 15. May,
15. October
The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture Supports fieldwork studies and travels, conferences, seminars, stays at other research institutions, libraries and archives. Topics close to the Institute's academic scientific profile are preferred. All 15. January
DNUP Det norske universitetssenter i Paris: Mobility Programs to France or for inviting French researchers to Norway All (depending on call) 1. February
NOS-HS Supports workshop series (2-3) held in the Nordic countries. The workshops must have a strong research focus and involve collaboration between researchers from different Nordic countries. Researchers 2025 (?)
The University of Oslo Sasakawa Young Leaders Scholarship Fund (SYLFF) Funds of up to NOK 50 000 to contribute to covering costs related to a research stay abroad for selected UiO post-graduate students (primarily PhD level and excellent Masters'-level applicants) PhDs 15. March,
1. December
Hosei International Fund Foreign Scholars Fellowship Fellowships for a 6 month stay at Hosei University (Japan).  PhDs, Postdocs 3. June 2024
Nordic Centre (Fundan University, China) Funding for events, research visits and small collaborative projects.  All (depending on call) depending on call

Researcher Exchange for New Collaboration Between Norway and France. Max. of 100 000 NOK for mobility for 1-2 years.

Postdoc, Researchers (as PI), PhDs can participate 18. September 2024
Clara Lachmanns Stiftelse (Swedish only) Supports mainly travel and events with focus on Scandinavian countries.  All 15. March
?sgard Supports week-long visits to France or Norway and facilitates meetings with relevant partners.  All (focus on groups leaders) 22. December 2024
UNIFOR UNIFOR manages funds for charitable foundations at UiO. What kind of funds are available varies from call to call, e.g. travel stipends, funds to conduct (parts of) a research project or support for stays abroad. See a list of 2022-funds relevant to the Humanities here All (depending on call) all year, but most September/October
Fulbright Stays in the US (3-12 months) All 1. October
DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship programmes for international students and researchers for stays in Germany All depending on call
Fritt Ord Support for projects that help promote freedom of expression, public discourse, art and culture, like conferences, public events, exhibitions, nonfiction books, art projects and other dissemination activities All 6 deadlines per year
Canon Foundation Research fellowships for 3-12 months for stays in Japan or for Japanese guest researchers coming to Europe All Fall 2024 (?)
NOCC Norwegian Centennial Chair Program, University of Minnesota. Supports transatlantic exchanges between students, postdocs and faculty as well as collaborative research programs.  All Open calls for travel and workshop support
(Norwegian only)
Different calls, like Erasmus +, Nordplus and Strategic partnerships to enhance collaboration across European universities in higher education Groups, Departments depending on call
SNU Samarbetsn?mnden f?r Nordenundervisning: Project funds to promote the interest in the Nordic languages, cultures and societies. At least three Nordic countries or languages must be included. Departments Fall 2024


UiO The Distinguished Educator Scheme. Academic staff holding a permanent position at UiO for a minimum of two years can apply to become Distinguished Educators.  Researchers 1. September 2024
SPARK 2-year programme for social innnovation. To strengthen innovation activities, in particular within the social sciences and humanities. Offers up to 500 000 NOK per year plus intensive mentoring. All 7. November 2024
SPARK UiO:Life Science's innovation programme for health-related topics in the life science domain. Mentoring, milestone-based funding and education to further develop your ideas.  All Fall 2024
UiO Growth House Seed funding to develop early-stage technology or service further. All Fall 2024
UiO Innovation funds to develop and innovative idea for a new product, service, solution or technology.  All 2024 (?)

See also
List of funding opportunities by the Faculty of Medicine
List of funding opportunities by the Faculty of Education
Internal innovation funding at UiO

Publisert 2. sep. 2022 14:29 - Sist endret 2. sep. 2024 13:51