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Funding of longer research trips

Depending on their needs, doctoral and post-doctoral fellows may be awarded funding for a longer research trip in the course of their fellowship period. Application deadlines 1 December and 1 June.

By a long research trip is meant a trip lasting a minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 26 weeks, the cost of which is greater than the annual working capital grant to cover running costs.

A grant for a long trip of this nature is intended as an advance to cover the travel and additional expenses in connection with staying outside one’s home place, and is additional to the aforementioned running costs grant. Additional expenses are costs that one would not have at home or additional costs beyond what one would have at home. For example, food expenses are also incurred at home, but if the food costs at the travel destination are higher than at home, the difference can be defined as an additional expense. 

The grants are announced twice a year, with application deadlines 1 December and 1 June.

The grants are awarded on the basis of the academic justification the applicant gives for the trip, his or her supervisor’s statement, any other grants awarded and after an overall assessment of applications received. The allocation of funding is dependent on the budget.

Research Council fellows should apply to the RCN

Grants for travel and living expenses are not made for accompanying family.

Please note that your travel plans must be approved by the Head of Department at your Department. The Faculty allocates funds based on the criteria outlined below, but does not grant permission for the trip itself. 


The application should consist of the following:

  • completed and signed application form (rtf)
  • academic justification for the trip and its duration
  • the supervisor’s statement on needs and choice of place as they relate to the doctoral project, and of the time chosen for the trip in relation to the progression of the doctoral work.
  • invitation, if any, from a research institution abroad.

The application should be sent to: postmottak@hf.uio.no

Criteria for awarding grants

A. Grants for long research trips are awarded in order of priority to:

  • research fellows who need to spend time abroad or elsewhere in Norway to collect data and research sources (field work)
  • research fellows who need to travel to another place in order to have contact with their supervisor
  • research fellows who seek academic stimulation in a different research environment

B. Fellows who have not previously received such support will receive priority.


Guidelines for awarding of grants

  • Travel: Return ticket by the most reasonable means possible. Grants for use of a car are made as though for a train ticket.
  • Accommodation and subsistence: Real additional costs of up to NOK 4 500 per week for up to 26 weeks.


The faculty requests a brief report on how the money was used within one month of completion of the trip. Accounts showing how the money was used are not required. Information should be provided on the usefulness of the trip, the host institution, if any, and any contacts that were established.

After the grant is awarded

Funding for travel and accommodation and subsistence expenses is transferred to the department and administered there.

After your travel, and no later than one month after you have returned, you need to apply for refund via the DF?-portal. Attach documentation that the travel took place and receipts on all eligible costs. You can apply for an advance if the costs are too big for you to pay up front from your own pocket. 

In the event that the trip does not take place, the faculty must be informed. Money that has been paid out but not spent must be returned to the faculty.

The accommodation and subsistence grant is intended to cover additional expenses in connection with the research stay (accomodation and travel).


You yourself must contact NAV International and arrange for insurance (of your own initiative and for your own account).



The faculty requests a brief report on how the money was used within one month of completion of the trip.This is not an economic report, but information should be provided on the usefulness of the trip, the host institution, if any, and any contacts that were established.

Publisert 14. juli 2015 12:21 - Sist endret 10. mai 2024 15:13