Elective courses

The specialisation in Contemporary Ethnography includes electives. Students must ensure that what they choose as their elective course is approved by the Department, and, depending on their choice, may need to apply for this.

General criteria for elective courses

  1. The amount of time and effort spent is equivalent to 10 ECTS credits;

  2. adequate documentation is provided; and
  3. the coursework or internship fits into the student’s individual study and research plan.

Alternatives for elective courses


Students may choose an internship as their elective course. For the admission process and other details, see the course description ANTH4710 – Internship

Thematic course

Students can select any course offered by the Department of Social Anthropology, see the bottom of the page.

They can also apply for approval of a thematic course from a different UiO unit, or from other accredited learning institutions. The course;

  • must be at master’s level;
  • should be relevant to your research; and
  • may be combined by two smaller courses that add up to 10 ECTS.

For UiO courses outside the Department, remember that admission practices vary. Course pages should contain information about what applies.

Language course

Students can apply for language course from UiO, or other accredited learning institutions. The course;

  • should be the local language of your field site;
  • must be at a certain level (see below); and
  • may be combined by two smaller courses that add up to 10 ECTS


10 ECTS corresponds to about 250-300 hours work or 7-8 weeks of full time studies (classes, reading, preparation). Full time work is regarded as 37,5 hours work load per week.

If the course is given by a university or other accredited learning institution, the course will have an allocation of credits that may be compared to ECTS.

Smaller course units may be combined (for example. two 5 ECTS courses, or a short language course together with a 7,5 ECTS thematic course)


Beginner’s level: all local field languages except for German, French and Spanish.

For German, French or Spanish the following criteria for level apply:

  • Level A1 and A2 will not be approved;
  • level B1, B2, C1 and C2 may be approved as elective courses; and
  • only courses at accredited learning institutions may be approved.

Language courses in English will not be approved, as the master’s programme itself requires the student to be accomplished in English. For a description of the levels, see the Common European Framework of reference for languages.

Please notice that many lower level language courses at UiO might run in the autumn semester only and will require planning well ahead. 

How to apply for approval?

Both the supervisor and the Department of Social Anthropology has to approve that a the coursework or internship fits into the student’s individual study and research plan.

  • Please apply by sending an email to info-master@sai.uio.no
  • There is no need to apply for approval when choosing ANTH-courses (apart from ANTH4710 – Internship)
  • A student who has already passed a non-UiO course eligible as an elective can apply for credit transfer.


Published Nov. 22, 2019 11:39 AM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2022 2:48 PM