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Published June 8, 2022 12:13 PM

You must use two-factor authentication (secure login) for Microsoft 365 (Word, OneDrive, Teams etc.) and Feide (Canvas, My Studies etc.) at UiO. Confirm your login with a mobile phone.

Read more about two-factor authentication at the UiO at, and access more guides from the same page. There may be two-factor authentication on other services later.

For MS365 applications, you will receive a push notification on your mobile when you are asked for two-factor authentication, and for the Feide login, a new button called Use work or school account will appear. Use that button when you log in to Canvas, My Studies, or other services with Feide, and you get the s...

Published Feb. 17, 2020 10:19 AM

The Interuniversity Institute of Geography of the University of Alicante organizes the MOOC Geographical analysis of natural risk: perceive, plan and manage uncertainty, coordinated by Sandra Ricart and María Hernández, and published through the MiriadaX platform with the support of the Institute of Education Sciences. The course aims to conceptualize, from the geographical discipline, the physical, social and territorial dimension of natural risk and offer diagnostic tools and analysis of risk and territorial vulnerability.

The specific objectives of the course are:

-        Introduce to the geographical approach and its evolution in the analysis of natural risks.

-  ...

Published Jan. 15, 2020 11:35 AM

The writing centre is open for all students who wish to improve their own writing. Come and discuss your ideas, drafts and questions with one of our writing consultants.

What we offer

  • We offer one-on-one consultations based on drafts or ideas for assignments, normally 3 consultations per semester.
  • Topics for the consultations could be, e.g., organisation, structure, problem formulation, argumentation, discussion, academic language, references and other issues.
  • The writing centre can also develop courses together with faculty and academic services at the university.

NB: The writing centre staff does not proofread or discuss scientific content.

We are located at the Georg Sverdrup's house ...

Published Oct. 11, 2019 2:17 PM

Dear students, 

The library's template (the "DUO-template") is no longer available for downloading, read more about formatting your master's thesis here

Published Aug. 28, 2019 2:27 PM

It is a pleasure to invite you to the launch of the book "Climate and Society: Transforming the Future?, a book written by Robin Leichenko and Karen O?Brien. At the launch Karen and Robin will be talking about the book and Dr. Monica Sharma will give a commentary. Ingerid Salvesen will be facilitating the launch.  

Time: Thursday 5th September, 17:30 - 19:00 (+ time for mingling)

Place: Gymsalen, at Sentralen, ?vre Slottsgate 3

If you are interested please register via this link.

About the book: 

Climate and Society: Transforming the Future", published by Polity...

Published Aug. 20, 2019 11:14 AM

Dear Human Geography students.

Terra, PU and Samfunnsgeografen call a general meeting on the 26th of August at 16.15. In this meeting we will choose new board members, got through changes in the resolutions, and most important of all: eat pizza!

The meeting will be held at UiO, at Harriet Holters hus, seminar room 101. 


16.15 pizza!

16.30 Introduction by the leader of PU

What is PU?           

Changes in the resolutions

 16.45 Introduction by the economic responsible in Terra

What is Terra

Changes in the resolutions

16.45 Presentation of Samfunnsgeografen

17.00 Election of new board members in PU, Terra and


17.30 The meeting is closed 

Published Aug. 13, 2019 4:57 PM


Are you writing a master-thesis on a subject related to Oslo? Do you do research on the metropolis, Oslo?

Apply Osloforskning scholarship!

Osloforskning is a collaboration between the City of Oslo and the University of Oslo and is intended to promote research and recruitment to research that derives its theme from Oslo.

Our next application deadline is 15th September 2019.

For more information go to:



Skriver du masteroppgave i et Oslo-relatert tema? Forsker du p? storbyen, Oslo?

S?k Osloforskning-stipend!

Osloforskning er et 澳门葡京手机版app下载 mellom Oslo kommune og Universitetet i Oslo som skal bidra til ? fremme forskning og rekruttering til forskning som henter sitt tema fra Oslo.

Neste s?knadsfrist er 15. september 2019. For mer informasjon og s?knadsskjema g? til denne siden:...

Published July 3, 2019 10:22 AM

For f?rste gang blir det studentrabatt p? OBOS Boligkonferanse. Har du studentbevis f?r du hele konferansen for kun 100 kroner, inkludert lunsj. V?r rask med p?melding – det er begrenset antall studentplasser!

Tid: Onsdag 28. august 2019, kl. 09.00 til 15.30

Sted: Oslo, Den Norske Opera og Ballett

Pris: 100,- Studiebevis kreves, enten for innev?rende skole?r eller for neste.


Published Mar. 6, 2019 2:34 PM

Welcome to seminar on bridging the gap between policy and reality in the defense of land and environmental rights.

Time: 8.15-10.00

Location: Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

Everybody talks about the sustainable development goals, but what do we do when the people who stand up to ensure sustainable development in their local communities are threatened, attacked and even killed? Welcome to a breakfast seminar on bridging the gap between policy and reality in the defense of land and environmental rights.


Please register with by March 20th.

Published Jan. 18, 2019 1:46 PM

The writing centre is open for all students who wish to improve their own writing. 

Opening hours: Mondays 12–16, Tuesdays 10-14, Wednesdays 16-20, Thursdays 12–16. Changes may occur. 

The writing centre is located at the Georg Sverdrup's house at Blindern, Library of the Humanities and the Social Sciences, ground floor. 


Published Oct. 25, 2018 1:15 PM

31st of October Prof. Sakiko F-Parr will talk about study exchange to the New School in New York. 

Read more about the meeting here (event in Norwegian)

Published Sep. 14, 2018 1:44 PM

Master students can apply for various scholarships.

List over scholarships

Published Sep. 14, 2018 1:30 PM

I cannot find my course in Canvas

  • Log into Canvas
  • Click on ?Courses? in the sidebar menu, and then ?All courses?
  • If you are registered for a course you do not find in Canvas, please contact SV-info.

My Canvas user is not activated

Can I access Canvas in a course if I am only resitting the exam?

  • Yes, you can access the course room in Canvas if you are only resitting the exam in the course. If you do not find the course under ?Courses? and ?All courses?, please contact...
Published Sep. 7, 2018 1:28 PM

It is now 20 years since the authoritarian regime of President Suharto's New Order regime felt amid massive student demonstrations.Periods of turmoil and violence followed, general elections were held in 1999, and within a year, two new human rights conventions were ratified. Indonesia had entered the reform period: Reformasi!

20 years on, how has Indonesia developed, and what human rights challenges remains? More about the seminar.

Time and place:Sep. 11, 2018 12:15 PM -...

Published Aug. 17, 2018 10:14 AM
Published June 19, 2018 10:51 AM

At the University of Oslo you use the same username and password to log in to Studentweb and to the different IT services at the University of Oslo.

Most students have received their username on SMS the last week of May. 

Received your username

If you have received your username on SMS, you must set up your IT user account and create a password. 

Not received your username

If you did not receive the SMS, please collect your username at Houston IT services or The IT/AV service at the Faculty of Social Sciences after arrival in Oslo. 

Published Apr. 3, 2018 12:44 PM

4th of April, at 9 am, Programutvalget for samfunnsgeografi is hosting a free breakfast seminar with master student Ryan Gaver who will talk about real estate.

The seminar will take place in Eilert Sundts hus, auditorium 4. We wish all master students welcome.


About the seminar:


A former consultant and project manager for a real estate development advisory firm in the United States, human geography master student Ryan Gever will discuss key aspects of the real estate industry and how real estate markets work, with emphasis on how this relates to the UiO Department of Sociology and Human Geography's research focus of urban studies and planning. Discussion topics will include real estate life cycles, development, finance, feasibility, and public-private partnerships. If we want to be better planners and geographers and shape real estate outcomes, we must better understand the motives, ac...

Published Feb. 21, 2018 9:42 AM

Do you write articles that cite other papers? Are you tired of struggling with citations and reference lists or with tools that are supposed to help you with these? Then this workshop is for you.

A free open source reference management tool Zotero helps you build your own reference library, organize it, share it, collaborate with other researchers and easily cite as you write using different citation styles as required by the journals. Master Zotero and you will free a lot of mind space and valuable time for the more analytical and creative bits of your research process.

Please bring a laptop with you to the course, and make sure either Word, LibreOffice, OpenOffice or NeoOffice is installed. It is recommended to create a Zotero account and install Zotero for Firefox, prior to the course.

Sign up here (in Norwegian only)/Meld deg p?:...

Published Feb. 2, 2018 2:02 PM

The writing centre is open for all students who wish to improve their own writing. Come and discuss your ideas, drafts and questions with one of our writing consultants. 

Opening hours spring 2018: Mondays 12–16, Wednesdays 16-20, Thursdays 12–16. Changes may occur. 
We are located at the Georg Sverdrup's house at Blindern, Library of the Humanities and the Social Sciences, ground floor. 

More information

Published Jan. 8, 2018 9:29 AM

The Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo has developed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled "What Works: Promising Practices in International Development".

A revised version of this MOOC, which was first offered in 2015, will be launched on 26 February 2018.

Sign up details

With contributions from an interdisciplinary group of researchers and development specialists based at University of Oslo, Stanford University, University of Malawi, and China Agricultural University, this free MOOC explores promising strategies in international aid related to agriculture, public health, governance, a...

Published Jan. 5, 2018 12:32 PM

Skriver du masteroppgave i et Oslo-relatert tema?

S?k Osloforskning-stipend!

Osloforskning er et 澳门葡京手机版app下载 mellom Oslo kommune og Universitetet i Oslo som skal bidra til ? fremme forskning og rekruttering til forskning som henter sitt tema fra Oslo.

Neste s?knadsfrist er 15. februar 2018, mer informasjon finner du her

Osloforskning announces grants for postgraduate students. Twice a year, master's level students can apply for grants of 30,000 NOK for work on master's theses having topics related to Oslo.

Please note that all applicants must be affiliated with the University of Oslo. The scholarship is advertised twice a year with application deadlines 15 February in the spring semester and 15 September in the autumn semester. Find more information...

Published Dec. 6, 2017 4:10 PM

The registration form for HGO4203 opens today at 17:00. There are limited spaces on this course, but there will also be possible to sign up for the desktop study option, or a waiting list - we might be able to offer more internship places later this month/early January. If you choose to be on the waiting list, please specify if you do want to opt for the desktop study option if there will not be more spaces available

Published Nov. 7, 2017 1:43 PM

The NAFTA renegotiations in a development perspective – Possible economic and social implications


Guest lecture with Dr. Antonio Ortiz-Mena, organized in co-operation with the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo

Time: Wednesday 15 November, 14:15 – 15:30

Place: Auditorium 6, Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka, Blindern, University of Oslo

See announcement

Published Oct. 18, 2017 11:20 AM

Dear all,

We are pleased to invite you to the next event of the Cities & Society seminar series, organised as two lectures followed by a discussion:

Theme: Urban Planning, Gentrification and Diversity

Lecture 1: The state-led gentrification of council estates in London and the fight to stay put

By Loretta Lees, University of Leichester


Lecture 2: Place and Displacement: An Assemblage Approach

By Kim Dovey, University of Melbourne


Date: Monday October 23rd

Time: 14:15 - 16:30

Location: Auditorium 4?, Eilert Sundts Hus, University of Oslo (Blindern Campus)

About the lectures:

The state-led gentrification of council estates in London and the fight to stay put: Most of inner London is now gentrified and council estates and their tenants are the final gentrificati...