MOOC Geographical analysis of natural risk: perceive, plan and manage uncertainty - 2nd edition

The Interuniversity Institute of Geography of the University of Alicante organizes the MOOC Geographical analysis of natural risk: perceive, plan and manage uncertainty, coordinated by Sandra Ricart and María Hernández, and published through the MiriadaX platform with the support of the Institute of Education Sciences. The course aims to conceptualize, from the geographical discipline, the physical, social and territorial dimension of natural risk and offer diagnostic tools and analysis of risk and territorial vulnerability.

The specific objectives of the course are:

-        Introduce to the geographical approach and its evolution in the analysis of natural risks.

-        Characterize the main types of natural risks.

-        Conceptualize the physical, social and territorial dimension of risk and vulnerability.

-        Present the main methods of analysis, representation and management of natural risk (including Geographic Information Systems).

-        Identify the natural risk mitigation and adaptation measures proposed by risk management policies.

-        Deepen on social construction and risk perception (including media).

The second edition of the course begins on March 23, 2020 and lasts for 7 weeks. Registration is free through the link:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The first edition of the course (2019) received more than a thousand registers and a 20% success rate. Those who enrolled in the previous edition of the course without being able to finish it should know that previous qualifications are saved, so that when enrolling in this new edition they should only complete the modules and pending tasks.

All professors are members of the Interuniversity Institute of Geography and the Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography of the University of Alicante, and most of them participate in the Master in Planning and Management of Natural Risks.

For more information, you can contact the coordinators of the course: or

Published Feb. 17, 2020 10:19 AM - Last modified Feb. 17, 2020 10:19 AM