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Compulsory activities at HF

Absence from compulsory activities/postponement of deliveries

We require formal documentation for valid absence from compulsory/postponement of deliveries activities.

There are exceptions from these requirements:

Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies

If you attend courses at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies (ILN), there is a self-declaration scheme in place for shorter extensions and absences. Please contact your course teacher, or student adviser, directly.

Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages

Mandatory attendance:
The Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS) requires at least 60% attendance on most courses.

Check the course page to see if a specific course has mandatory attendance.

  • If you are taking courses at ILOS, you can not apply for a valid absence
  • You are responsible for keeping track of your own attendance and absence.
  • If you have more than 40% absence due to illness or other significant reasons, you can apply for special needs accomodations.

Postponement of mandatory assignments:

  • If you need a short postponement (up to one week) due to illness or other reasons, you can apply for it via the online form provided below. You must state the number of days of postponement you are requesting. No documentation is required for short postponements.
  • For postponements longer than one week, you must include documentation in the application form. The documentation must indicate the period of the sick leave. Note that the maximum postponement is 14 days.
  • Remember to apply no later than the same day as the deadline for the mandatory activity.

Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages

Do you have absence from compulsory attendance?

All courses with compulsory attendance at IKOS have an attendance requirement of 80%.

  • You must keep track of your own absence.
  •  As long as you are present for at least 80% of the mandatory classes, you do not need to apply for valid absence, regardless of the reason for the absence.
  • If you are absent more than 20% due to illness or other substantial reasons, you must contact the study administration at

Do you need a postponement of a compulsory activity?

  • If you are sick or have other reasons for needing a short postponement, the instructor may grant this. You can get a maximum of one week postponement, and no documentation is required. You must notify the instructor no later than the deadline for the mandatory activity.
  • If you need a postponement of more than one week, you must apply for this using the application form. You can find the application form below.
  • By presenting documentation, you can get a total of two weeks postponement. 

Further readings: Compulsory Activities at IKOS - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske spr?k (

Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas

If you attend courses at the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas (IFIKK) there is a self-declaration scheme in place for shorter extensions on written assignments. Complete the form below and state how many days extra you need. For longer extensions (more than one week) you need to attach documentation. This scheme also applies to EXPHIL03.

For EXPHIL03, the requirement of at least 4 of the 6 first first seminars is absolute. You can not apply for valid absence.

Online form:

Please note: You must give notice the same day as you are absent.  If you need  postponement of deliveries you must give notice prior to the deadline.

What is valid absence?

Valid reasons for absence must be documented and include the following:

  • If you, or a person for whom you are the primary caretaker, are ill
  • Childbirth
  • Death of a close relative
  • Other substantial reasons outside of your own control

Other substantial reasons outside of your own control may include for instance military service, trials or political representation. High-level sports or cultural events may also be approved.

Nervousness, insomnia, traffic delays, private travel or the like do not entitle you to a postponed exam. Illness during the preparation period for the exam does not normally entitle you to a postponed exam. In the case of illness during the preparation period, you should consider applying for a leave of absence.

What is valid documentation

Valid documentation is a doctor's certificate, confirmation of birth / term or equivalent.

Medical certificates must have a signature and stamp from the doctor, or a digital signature, to be valid. The medical certificate must show the period and scope of the sick leave, and it must be clear from the certificate that you were ill at the time of the exam. If you have to withdraw during a school exam or a home exams with a duration of less than one day, the medical certificate must also be issued on the exam date.

A positive corona test can also be approved as documentation. You must take a PCR-test, UiO does not approve self tests/rapid tests. At you can select "Show printable page" and download the test answer as a pdf.

You upload the documentation in the web form. If you have documentation on paper, you can scan or take a picture of it. Keep the documentation until you have received an answer to your application.

What are compulsory activities?

For many courses, UiO requires participation in the form of compulsory activities. These requirements are often a prerequisite for being allowed to sit for the examination.

Examples of compulsory activities may be submission of assignments, compulsory attendance at seminars, commenting on the work of other students or giving oral presentations

See each course page for information about compulsory activities in a specific course.

Complete guidelines for compulsory activities.

Published Sep. 9, 2015 9:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 6, 2024 12:14 PM