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Print from a private iOS/Android device

With Mobilityprint, you can print from your mobile devices and tablets. Setup for mobile and tablets is very similar, but may vary depending on the type of device and operating system you are using.

Simple printing: If you just need simple printing without installing anything, you can print from your browser using Web Print.


Printing from iOS devices with Mobilityprint

  • Open on the device you want to print from
    • Download the profile according to the instructions on the page.
  • Open Settings on the device and go to Profile Downloaded and tap Install, follow the instructions.
    • iOS PaperCut install profile 1 iOS PaperCut install profile 2 iOS PaperCut install profile 3

  • Print in the usual way (usually under the Share icon in the app you're using), and select UiO-Print as the printer.
    • PaperCut print dialog

UiO-Print is the name of the queue that sends the print job to the PaperCut system. You may have other queue names available, such as UiO Mobilprint. These are older/alternative printing systems at UiO that are no longer actively supported and will be discontinued in the future.

Printing from Android devices with Mobilityprint

  • Open the browser on your Android device and go to: Mobility Print- Android
  • Choose Install or Update to download the Mobility Print app from Google Play
  • Choose Install and then Open:
  • Now a dialog box will open to check if print services are turned on
    • App notifications must be on so that you will be asked for username and password when printing:
    • Both print services and app notifications should all be on:
    • Image may contain: font, multimedia, software, screenshot, electronic device.

  • Open, for example, Chrome to test printing, and select settings in the top right corner
    • Then select "Share"
  • Swipe to the bottom right, select Print and choose the printer UiO-print:
    • On the printer "UiO-Print" you can choose color, single or double-sided, paper size, etc.
  • Choose the yellow button to print:
    • You will now be prompted to log in:
  • Log in with your username and password at UiO
    • Username should be in the form "":
  • Finally, a confirmation that the job has been printed
    • You can check that the print job is in the queue at

Frequently Asked Questions:

I have changed my password, why can't I print?

If you are unable to print after changing your password, you may need to reauthenticate. Therefore, you may need to set up MobilityPrint again on your device.

Which printer should I choose when I want to print?

You should send the print job to the printer queue UiO-Print.

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Published Nov. 1, 2023 2:41 PM - Last modified June 17, 2024 12:52 PM