Price structure
All prices are provided in NOK, excluding VAT. We invoice all services on a yearly basis, usually during October. The invoice counts the current year, and prices are subject to KPI adjustments yearly at January 1st.
Sector | Price per TB/year (quota) |
UiO-intern, below 10 TB | NOK 524,- |
UiO-intern, 10 TB or more | NOK 419,- |
UH-sector | NOK 996,-* |
External customers | NOK 1153,-* |
* VAT in addition for external invoices.
Note that our minimal quota starts at 1 TB.
Ordering bucket(s)
Dette skjemaet benyttes for ? bestille X antall b?tter med en samlet kvote.
Du vil tildeles et n?kkelpar med tilganger tilpasset dine behov, og p? denne m?ten vil bruken av lagringen v?re sikret for opp til r?de data.
Using this form, you can order any amount of buckets with a collective quota.
You will be provided a key pair with access rights adjusted to your provided needs, and this way the usage is secured for up to red data (ref storage guide)
In the case you have need for self-service in creating and managing buckets and IAM, please get in touch with the storage team via IT help.