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Implement BookitLab at a core facility/ lab

Data Management seksjon in IT Department offers consultation and hands-on training of BookitLab for lab managers and project/ department economists. 

Consultation meeting

BookitLab is a very complex system with many possibilities. We at the Data Management Section (DHT) in the IT department hear your needs and offer training sessions (often 2 x 1-1.5 hours with a week in between). Please contact for an introduction meeting. 

Typical implementation flow after the meeting

  1. Creation of a core in the stage environment 
    • The stage environment is used for training and testing. The lab manager will be assigned the core admin role.
    • If needed, we can also set up different types of dummy projects so that you can test how the pricing rules should work.
  2. First training session
    • Review the pages related to the core settings. Then we set up an instrument and/or service, other things such as consumables, subscriptions, etc. based on your needs.
  3. Trial period
    • The lab manager will test various functions and settings on their own to set it up to suit their needs.
    • Please send any questions that arise during this period to 
  4. Second training session
    • This is often a question-and-answer session.
  5. Creation of a core in the production environment
    • After becoming well acquainted with and testing the setup/settings of instruments, etc. in the stage environment and having the following ready, ask the main admin ( to create a core in the production environment. 
      • Project/institute economist(s) who can assist in setting up external and purely dummy projects.
      • Account and subproject numbers where income (fees for booking instruments or requests of lab services etc.) should be transferred.
      • List of instruments, services, and/or consumables that users could book/ order via BookitLab UiO.
      • The prices set for booking/ ordering.
      • The conditions you want to set on instruments, for example, the requirement for booking approval.
    • Cost for using BookitLab is to be charged from the month in which the core was created (from 2025).

The cost of BookitLab UiO

From 2025, it will cost core facilities/ labs to use BookitLab UiO, except for those within MatNat as the Faculty covers the cost. The pricing model is still under discussion.

Monthly meetings for UiO's Core Team

UiO's core team meets approximately once a month and discusses matters of common interest. If you are interested in participating in these meetings or receiving information about, for example, new versions of BookitLab, sign up for our mailing list.

Published Aug. 26, 2024 12:23 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2024 12:24 PM