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Glossary of terms in BookitLab

To use BookitLab, the following terminology is very important to know and understand.

Term Description
Consumable Consumables are ordered most often along with a service request or when booking an instrument or equipment. This is also called as offline service.

Core facility/lab (used somewhat interchangeably in the guides, and in this context, means much the same thing). 

Core admin

Role/rights one must have to be able to set up a core facility with associated equipment, instrument, or (lab-)service; "core admin" also manages access to equipment and instruments at the core facility and, if necessary, invoices for the use of lab services and equipments; "core admin" manages the income side of the core facility in collaboration with the (project) economist at the institute.

Instrument Instrument is used for equipment and instruments that can be booked/ordered in the system; all cores must have at least one instrument or a service ("request") attached to them to be activated. 
Project A project in BookitLab contains information about who is to pay for the use of core facilities registered in the system, such as cost center and sub-project, or for external users, organization number and name of external institution/company. The project also keeps track of who can use it, i.e., book or order (lab-)services within the project's budget limits.
Project admin Role/rights one must have to be able to create a project.
Project coordinator The project coordinator will often be the person who created the project, i.e., a person with "project admin" rights in the system, but it may also be someone else who gets the rights to change the information about the specific project, but not other projects in the system.
Project leader A project leader has no special rights in the system; mainly for informational purposes for "core" and "project admin," when they need to contact the professional leader of the project.
Request (services) Some labs offer (lab-)services, i.e., you can ask a lab technician to perform an analysis based on an order, without getting access to the equipment yourself; often one must fill out an order form, preferably in consultation with the person who will perform the service, describing the analysis (service, "request") you want carried out.
Stage and prod (production)

BookitLab is a complex system with many features and options. Therefore, BookitLab has a "sandbox" so that one can test, e.g., the setup of a core facility, before setting it up properly and users can book equipment, instruments, or services. This "sandbox" is called the "stage" environment. One should always start with the "stage" environment and test various settings there before creating a core facility/lab in the "prod" environment, which is in operation and connected to the financial system/Unit4. (Note! The "stage" environment is currently not connected to the financial system's development environment. This should be in place again, hopefully, within 2024.)

The "stage" environment can be found on

Subscription It is possible to set up subscriptions so that one could use either an entire core or selected instruments, requests, etc. without paying for each use or order, within a valid period. The price for the subscription can be set for each purchase. It is possible to set the subscription price to zero, but you still need a project linked to "purchasing" that subscription.
User training With valid user training, a user can book an instrument without core admin approval even if it is set to require it. The term comes from users having received sufficient training to be able to use the instrument. It is possible to set an expiration date or a condition for when it must be updated.
Published Aug. 26, 2024 12:27 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2024 12:27 PM