Welcome to the leading conference for life sciences in Norway

Norway Life Science 2023: Life Science and Technology Transforming our Future
The leading conference for life sciences gather the actors who will develop a world-leading health industry in Norway.
The conference was organized as an Oslo Science City Arena event, with Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Microsoft and Boston Consulting Group as selected industry partners.
Norway Life Science 2023 explored the interaction between health, technology and society. The three day conference was filled with talks by leading researchers, managers from global pharma industry, company showcase, panel debates on conditions for innovation and development of a health industry, parallel sessions, reception in Oslo City Hall, networking opportunities and side events.

Life Science and Technology Transforming our Future
Talks - Debates - Parallel Sessions - Reception in Oslo City Hall

The Networking Day
Partnership for Life - Young Talents - Plenary Event - Morning Coffee Meeting - Pitching Sessions - Network Meetings
Practical information
- The conference is free to attend for visitors, registration is required
- Venue 13–14 February is Meet Ullevaal, Ullevaal Stadion. These events will not be live streamed.
- Venue for popular science and side events 14 - 15 February will on different locations in Oslo and digital
If you have questions about Norway Life Science Conference 2023, feel free to contact us by e-mail: norwaylifescience@lifescience.uio.no
The registration for the programme taking place at Meet Ulleval 13 - 14 February is closed.
Leave your name and e-mail address to register for updates about Norway Life Science 2024
Industry Partners
About the conference
Norway Life Science is the leading conference for life sciences in Norway. We connect leading researchers with industrial innovators, visionary leaders and strategic minds.
We want to showcase excellent research and inspire to the development of new ideas. With ground-breaking technology and collaboration, we aim to stimulate to the emergence of a new Norwegian health industry, and support Nordic solutions to global challenges.
Seven years after it was established, the University of Oslo relaunches the conference as an Oslo Science City Arena event together with our partners.
Former conferences
Se videos, programmes and pictures from former conferences.