Programme 14 February

Morning coffee meeting: Trends and Needs in Clinical Trials – Opportunities or Barriers for Norway?
In this meeting we address the major trends in clinical trials and discuss if this is an opportunity or a barrier for Norway to be competitive in attracting more clinical trials. Go to programme
Bridging the gap between academia and industry
Turning life science inventions into lifesaving products or solutions for the health and care sector is a long and challenging path. To succeed, critical components of the system, research universities, academic hospitals, biotechnology companies (large and small), and venture capital – must work together.
Introduction by
- Christine Wergeland S?rbye CEO, Oslo Science City
Panel discussion
- Hilde Nebb Innovation director and Professor, UiO Growth House
- Per Morten Sandset Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, UiO and Leader, Health&Care Advisory Board / R?det for HelseOmsorg21
- Bj?rn Atle Bj?rnbeth CEO, Oslo University Hospital
- Ole Kristian Hjelstuen CEO, Inven2
- Kristin Willoch Haugen, Director Regional Office Oslo Viken, Innovation Norway
- Alan Cuthbertson, Head of Radiopharmaceuticals Research, Bayer
Moderator: Frode Nakkim, Communications Manager, Bayer
More speakers to be announced
All day event
Partnership for Life - Matchmaking Meetings
One-to-one matchmaking meetings which aims to match global pharma investors/partners with academic research groups and start-ups. To participate, you need to create a personal profile in Brella. How to create your personal profile
10:30–11:00 Break
12:30–13:30 Lunch
Young Talents
Network meetings
You will have the opportunity to meet representatives from companies. Remember to register beforehand.
Pitching Session
- Thelper, Katja Vetvik, Founder
- Tribune Therapeutics, Georg Vo Beiske, CEO
- Development of a new product to relieve the symptoms of dry mouth, Marianne Hiorth, Department of Pharmacy, UiO
- Oncosyne, Peter W. Eide, Cofounder & CTO
- Kongsberg Beam Technology, Stephan Dymling, CTO
- p95HER2-CAR T cell targeting metastatic breast cancer on-Target, but no off-Tumor, Esmaeil Dorraji, Institute for Cancer Research, Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital
- Zyberia AS, Jonas Carsten Jeppesen, CEO
- Metabolism-on-chip, Mathias Busek, Postdoctor, Hybrid Technology Hub, Center of Excellence, UiO,
Jan B?rge Jakobsen, CEO, Bayer Norway
P?l Hasvold, Medical Evidence Head AstraZeneca
Andre Breg?rd, General Manager & Vice President, Novo Nordisk Norway
Host: Morten Egeberg, Leader SPARK Norway and Administrative Leader UiO:Life Science