The aim of the internship programme is to introduce students to alternative career paths where they can utilise their knowledge and competence. Companies, for their part, get access to smart, hard-working students who are interested in learning and contributing.
Run by student innovation associations
The Student Association for Medical Innovation (SMI) initiated the internship programme. Today SMI runs the programme in collaboration with The Student Association for Pharmaceutical Innovation.
Students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Educational Sciences can attend the programme.
The feedback from both students and companies that have attended the programme so far has been overwhelmingly positive.
Support from the Growth House
Companies of any size are welcome to fund an unlimited number of summer jobs. The Growth House covers 50 per cent of the salary of 20 positions in companies with fewer than ten employees. You apply for support when you register your company – first come, first served!