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Internship for students

The aim of the internship programme is to introduce students to alternative career paths where they can utilise their knowledge and competence. Companies get access to smart, hard-working students who are interested in learning and contributing.

The internship programme is run by The Student Association for Medical Innovation (SMI) and The Student Association for Pharmaceutical Innovation. Students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Educational Sciences can attend the programme.

The UiO Growth House and student associations facilitate meetings between students  and companies that can offer summer jobs. In addition, the Growth House covers half the salary for 20 students in companies with fewer than ten employees.

To persons handshake

Timeline 2025

The timeline will be published here as soon as it is in place.

The matchmaking will take place 5 February 2025 in the afternoon/evening.

Timeline and information from 2024

  • Fall 2023: Open for applications from companies.
    Please fill out this registration form where you (the 2024 form is closed)
    • describe your company
    • describe the internship
    • accept our internship guidelines
    • request 50 per cent co-funding from the UiO Growth House – first come, first served 20 positions
  • 17 January: Digital information meeting for students followed by registration for matchmaking 7 February.
  • 7 February: Matchmaking in Oslo Science Park.
  • 8 March: End of selection process

Feedback from former students and companies

The feedback from both students and companies that have attended the programme so far has been overwhelmingly positive.

The evaluation from students and companies that participated in 2021 showed that:

  • All the companies had a positive experience with their interns. They reported that the students have added value and collaborated well with other employees in the companies. Two thirds of the companies employed one or more students.
  • The students thrived and received sufficient follow-up to carry out their work tasks. The health students also said that through the internship they acquired skills that they do not get through their studies.
  • Both companies and students recommend the scheme and want to participate again.

More about the internship programme

The UiO Growth House wants to support and develop an innovative mindset among students, employees and researchers. To bring this about the Growth House is actively supporting cooperation between academia and industry in a range of programmes. Together with the Student Association for Medical Innovation (SMI) and Student Association for Pharmaceutical Innovation (SFI) we want to invite companies to host a 4–6-week internship programme for affiliated students.

The aim of the internship is to introduce students to alternative career paths where they can utilise their knowledge and competence to the fullest, while at the same time aspire to be a project that do no harm, is just, follow ethical norms, respect the individual and provides a degree of self-determination. 

The internship programme will bring students and companies together for a matchmaking event where the companies present themselves to the students. As a part of the registration companies are asked to confirm that they will follow the guidelines regulating the principles for the internship. 

Students are encouraged to apply freely for the various internships at hand, and the company has the option to choose the most suitable candidate for their project.

Any rights to any inventions or other outcomes resulting from the student’s performance of the internship with the company is solely between the company and the student.