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Looking towards 2030

The process of developing a new strategy for the University of Oslo (UiO) has begun, looking towards 2030. Our strategy work at the Faculty will make a good foundation for our input to the new strategy for UiO.


One might argue that we should have waited until the UiO-strategy was launched before we started developing a new strategy for the Faculty. However, when we saw the need for a new Faculty strategy in the autumn of 2017, it was unclear when the leaders at UiO wanted to start the process of developing a new strategy for UiO.

When the time comes for giving input to the strategy process at UiO, we can utilize the results of the work we have put down in the last year, which are based on very constructive input from many employees at the Faculty. The central strategy process is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2020.

On one hand, it's positive that we are almost done with our strategy. That makes us able to efficiently provide thoughtful input to the process at the UiO level. On the other hand, it can result in us having to make adjustments to our Faculty strategy. I consider this unproblematic, and if such adjustments are necessary, I’m reasonably sure they will only help the Faculty Strategy become even better.

I would like to use this opportunity to say thank you to all the people who contributed in the strategy work over the last year. Now, only important finishing touches remain and if the Faculty Board decides to enact the strategy, it will be launched in January-February 2019.

By Dean Morten D?hlen
Published Nov. 1, 2018 10:56 AM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 2:55 PM