News - Page 2

Published May 31, 2023 5:23 PM

SPARK Nordic visited Silicon Valley at the end of April. In total there where 19 participants from SPARK Norway and SPARK Finland. The purpose of the trip was to introduce the Nordic SPARK projects to the opportunities available in Silicon Valley and give them the opportunity to build their own networks and market understanding.

Published Apr. 20, 2023 3:52 PM

The Nordic SPARK programs which include UiO:Life Science' innovation program SPARK Norway, have successfully collaborated over several years to boost the emergence of new innovative solutions in the health tech and life science field. Collaboration in mentoring of the projects started a few years ago, and we are now building the next level joint efforts.

Published Mar. 9, 2023 9:37 AM

Karl Johan Ullavik Bakken and Magali Courtade were elected as deputy representatives for technical/administrative employees. Ingeborg Nymoen was elected as representative for temporary academic employees on the faculty board. Erlend Tiberg North was elected as deputy representative.

Published Mar. 2, 2023 3:18 PM

Head of Department Arne Klungland is resigning from his position at the Department of Biosciences (IBV) to lead the new Center of Excellence in Research (SFF) Center for Embryology and Healthy Development at the Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine. The Dean's office thanks Arne for a brilliant job at IBV and in the Faculty's Department Management group, and wishes him the best of luck with the new center!

Published Mar. 1, 2023 12:21 PM

The election of representative for temporary academic employees and  technical/administrative staff at the Faculty Board is open, cast your vote. The election is open from 1 March 12:00 (noon) to 8 March 12:00 (noon).

Published Jan. 30, 2023 12:00 PM

Six new teams have been admitted to UiO?s innovation programme SPARK Norway. They will develop their ideas within health-related life sciences for the benefit of patients and society.

Published Jan. 9, 2023 9:27 AM

The UiO Growth House, dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science, UiO:Life Science and UiO:Energy and Environment are now co-located in Oslo Science Park. ‘Now the units can work more closely together and draw on each other's expertise as well as extract synergies from each other. This gives UiO the opportunity to develop its strategic initiatives and strengthen the innovation thinking’, says UiO's vice-rector for research and innovation Per Morten Sandset.

Published Dec. 20, 2022 9:19 AM

UiO:Life Science will fund educational summer research projects for 40 students between April and September 2023 for students currently enrolled in a bachelor, master or relevant professional degree program at UiO. We now invite you to suggest projects for one or two students. The application deadline was 1 February 2023.

Published Dec. 20, 2022 8:53 AM

UiO:Life Science will fund 40 educational summer research projects for students between April and September 2023. Students currently enrolled in a bachelor, master or relevant professional degree program at the University of Oslo are eligible to apply. The application form opened 17 January and is now closed as we have received maximum of registrants. 

Published Oct. 1, 2022 11:29 AM

The University of Oslo, organised in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), the event "Is there hope for the Oslofjord" on 29 September. The theme arouses great interest and many people participated in Domus Bibliotheca.

Published Oct. 1, 2022 11:10 AM

In autumn 2021, six new convergence environments were granted funding for a period of four years. The interdisciplinary research groups have started up during 2022 and are well underway with the recruitment of PhDs and Postdoctoral fellows for their research projects.

Published June 24, 2022 6:57 AM

Those who have passed the building site for the new life science building in Gaustadbekkdalen have probably noticed that there is full activity on the construction site at the moment. Seven high cranes tower into the air and construction machinery is in full operation. Some employees from the University of Oslo have visited the construction site.