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New representatives for employees at the Faculty Board

Petter Nielsen, Rebecca Anne Robinson and Else Marie Lingaas are elected as new representatives at the Faculty Board.

The election for new representatives for the Faculty Board ended today. Here are the new representatives for permanent academic staff, temporary academic staff and technical-administrative staff.

The representatives for permanent academic staff and technical-administrative staff are elected for the period of four years. Representatives for temporary academic staff are elected for the period of one year.

Representatives for permanent academic staff

Petter Nielsen is elected as representative
1. deputy representative: Anders Malthe-S?renssen
2. deputy representative: Anne Krag Brysting 

Representatives for technical-administrative staff

Else Marie Lingaas is elected as representative
1. deputy representative: Elina Melteig
2. deputy representative: Nina Mino Thorud

Representanter for midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte

Rebecca Anne Robinson is elected as representative
1. deputy representative: Nils-J?rgen Knudsen Dal
2. deputy representative: Olga Zlygosteva

The Faculty's highest decision-making body

The Faculty Board is the Faculty's highest decision-making body and is responsible for establishing the Faculty's overriding objectives, priorities and strategies. Read more about the Faculty Board

Published Nov. 12, 2020 4:00 PM - Last modified Nov. 12, 2020 4:01 PM