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Events for employees at MED - Page 27

Time and place: , Digital event (Zoom)

Open lectures by Detlef Weigel (Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Germany) and Anna Wargelius (Institute of Marine Research, Norway). Darwin Day is an international recognition of science and humanity, held in memory of Charles Darwin.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Time and place: , Zoom

Vi ?nsker bedrifter samt studenter fra Det medisinske fakultet, Farmas?ytisk institutt og Kjemisk institutt velkommen til matchmakingsarrangement. I etterkant av arrangementet kan studentene s?ke sommerjobb i bedriftene.

Time and place: , Frederik Holsts hus, Seminarrom 123

Welcome to a new AMR related event organised by the Interdisciplinary Forum for Research on Antimicrobial resistance (INFRA) at Helsam.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigator, Dr. Hege G. Russnes, Group Leader of the Genomic Alterations in Cancer group at Oslo University Hospital will present her research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series.

Time and place: , The Science Library

Cancelled due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.

Time and place: , 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Cancelled due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.

Time and place: , Zoom

Vi ?nsker studenter fra Det medisinske fakultet, Farmas?ytisk institutt og Kjemisk institutt velkommen til informasjonsm?te om internshipordningen og muligheten for ? s?ke sommerjobber i bedrifter.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigator, Dr Lorena Arranz, Group Leader of the Stem Cell Aging and Cancer Research Group will present her research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Cancelled due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.

Time and place: , Online (Zoom)

Join our Deputy Director, Asgeir Johannessen as he shares insight into his work in Ethiopia and current and future challenges in managing HBV infection in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Time and place: , Zoom

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar, this time on Zoom.

Time and place: , Zoom

Helene Kn?velsrud, Senior Scientist and head of the Mapping and Disrupting Cancer Circuits Project at Oslo University Hospital, and Charlotte Boccara, head of the Sleep, Cognition & Development project team at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO, will present their latest research as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series. 

Time and place: , Store Auditorium A1.1001, Domus Odontologica, University of Oslo

NORHEART invites everyone with an interest in the mitochondrion and cardiovascular disease to our half-day seminar.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Cancelled due to the current covid-19 situation. Hope to see you again soon!

Time and place: , Zoom

We invite you to an informative webinar on Data Protection in Research at dScience.


Martin Burkert, NCMM Postdoctoral Fellow from the group of Sebastian Waszak, will present his research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar series. 

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Cancelled due to the current Covid-19 situation. Hope to see you again soon!

Time and place: , Quality Hotel Olavsgaard

Welcome to this two-day seminar for CompSci and dScience PhD candidates enrolled in the MN Faculty's PhD program.

Transportation and stay are free.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigator Emre Yaksi, Professor at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU will present his research as part of NCMM's Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , The Science Library

Welcome to our second dScience lunch seminar! Grab some lunch and join us for a talk on digital twins by David Cameron, center coordinator at SIRIUS.

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Domus Medica, Department of Nutrition, Room 3100

This workshop will give an introduction to respirometry and how to use the whole room calorimetry.

In addition, a theoretical and practical introduction on the Promethion architecture and specifics of the Oslo system will also be presented, including system calibration and validation by propane burn.

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet B, Bl?tt Aud 3

The course will provide advice on how to develop and write a project proposal with a typical bottom-up approach. Research Council Norway's call for Young Research Talents will be specially addressed.