Norwegian version of this page

Merry Christmas!

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo, with the rest of the faculty leadership, summarises 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to gain an overview of the key issues from 2024. Additionally, they offer their gratitude for the past year and wish all staff and students a very merry Christmas!

Group photo of the faculty leadership. From left on the sofa: Eli Feiring, Hanna Ekeli, Jan G. Bj?lie, Hanne Flinstad Harbo, Magnus L?berg, and Grete Dyb.

The faculty leadership. From left: Eli Feiring, Hanna Ekeli, Jan G. Bj?lie, Hanne Flinstad Harbo, Magnus L?berg, and Grete Dyb. Photo: Ine Eriksen, UiO.

Dear colleagues and students,

As Christmas approaches, we are completing a busy and productive semester, marking an eventful year for the Faculty of Medicine (MED). As a Christmas greeting to you, we present a brief summary of some of the key matters we have worked on, along with a photo gallery showcasing this year’s events at the end of the page.

New study places at the medical school

We are very pleased to announce that the 2025 state budget, new study places have been allocated to the medical programme, as we have long worked towards. These places will be designated for students undertaking their final three years at UiO in Innlandet.

UiO and NTNU are collaborating to establish decentralised medical education in Innlandet, in conjunction with NTNU, Innlandet Hospital, and regional municipalities. Our aim is to develop an excellent study programme in Innlandet, replicating the success of Campus S?r at UiO. This represents a significant contribution to the recruitment of medical professionals and the strengthening of academic medicine in these regions.

Medical School to get a new exam format

See a separate article in the Leadership column by Pro-Dean Magnus L?berg about the transition to pass/fail assessment in medical school exams.

Student Survey

We are conducting a survey among all students at the Faculty of Medicine addressing issues such as the learning environment, racism, and discrimination. It is paramount for us that students feel comfortable at the faculty – not only because a good social environment is important in itself, but also because well-being and learning are closely intertwined.

Together with the students, we will use the feedback to prioritise the areas that require our attention in the coming months.

Bachelor's and Master's Programmes

Teaching remains a rewarding and challenging aspect of our core activities. Developing the programmes necessitates systematic work on study quality. Vice-Dean Eli Feiring meets monthly with programme leaders of the bachelor's and master's studies for discussions and exchanges of experience. We also host seminars featuring both internal and external speakers.

The bachelor’s and master's programmes at the faculty are highly sought after and popular. Rightfully so, as society has a significant need for clinical nutritionists, candidates with expertise in public health and epidemiology, health economics and political processes, healthcare systems, and international health.

High Season for Dissertations

Many of our PhD candidates are defending their theses before Christmas. We are immensely proud of each candidate, and the faculty continuously strives to develop the PhD programme.

A PhD project is extensive and demanding, with many contributing to ensure that new researchers qualify through the programme. The efforts made by all of you contribute to MED’s role in creating groundbreaking knowledge vital to medicine and society. Thank you to all research groups for their excellent projects, which provide opportunities for new researchers

In the coming year, MED will host the first summer school for PhD candidates through NorDoc, with Vice-Dean Grete Dyb serving as chair of the board. We encourage all candidates at MED to take advantage of this unique opportunity!

Financial Matters

Economic conditions have become tighter at most universities in Norway. At UiO and the Faculty of Medicine, we must carefully monitor our use of resources

As part of an economic restructuring towards sustainable budgets, we are currently reviewing our study programmes. The pre-Christmas period has been particularly busy for employees and leaders at Helsam, although this issue affects the entire organisation. Together, we must find good solutions. Tomorrow’s students should continue to receive an excellent educational offering from us. 

Technological Platforms and Core Facilities in the New Life Sciences Building 

Throughout this autumn, the faculty, in collaboration with the institutes, has engaged in close dialogue with the academic communities that will form part of the more than 10 technological platforms and core facilities in the new Life Sciences building. The goal has been to identify any remaining ambiguities and needs for follow-up. 

Generally, the planning appears very solid. Our institutes are collaborating with the environments at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN) and OUS, clearly creating synergies and better utilisation of costly investments. In some instances, it is necessary to establish clearer responsibilities and operational models, which the faculty will continue to address in 2025.

Research Financing

Allocations from the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) have decreased, both for UiO as a whole and for the faculty in recent years. The faculty is closely monitoring this situation, and it remains to be seen if this represents long-term changes in Research Norway. Regardless, the faculty supports initiatives designed to promote more applications, including the FRIPRO programme and initiatives such as the life sciences venture's announcement of stimulus funds for applicants.

Research funding through EU programmes appears increasingly important to prioritise. It is therefore gratifying to see that numerous applications from our academic communities continue to be submitted to the EU and that the faculty as a whole has maintained strong EU funding levels in 2024.

Early information is crucial, and in the new year, it will be possible to contact our Unit for External Funding at regarding forthcoming announcements.


In addition to efforts from the institutes and the faculty’s research administration in assisting applicants, the Innovation House is playing an increasingly significant role.

Innenfor rammene av v?rt veikart for forskningsfinansiering er planene lagt for hvordan Veksthuset vil 澳门葡京手机版app下载e med fakultetets forskningsadministrasjon om ? integrereinnovasjonsaspektet i stadig flere s?knader. 

Within the framework of our roadmap for research financing, plans have been made for how the Innovation House will collaborate with the faculty’s research administration to integrate the innovation aspect into more applications.

Many national and international funding sources, including EU programmes, emphasise the potential for innovation and application. Emphasising the innovation aspect increases the likelihood of positive evaluation and funding. Innovation also fosters interdisciplinary collaboration between our researchers and other actors, enhancing a project's feasibility and relevance.

Research and Education in Challenging Times

This year has been marked by turbulence and conflict worldwide. For over two years, the faculty has made efforts to provide our research groups with the opportunity to apply for seed funding for developmental and research projects in Ukraine and for Ukrainian refugees in Norway.

Activities in Ukraine and Norway have forged strong ties between Ukrainian researchers and our academic communities at MED. This has shown us that the country has significant needs for knowledge and competence, particularly in mental health and rehabilitation but also in surgery and neurology. Our environments are now focusing on further efforts to support Ukraine through the war and future reconstruction.

We are also very pleased that after much work, we welcomed ten exchange students from Gaza to our medical programme this autumn. They are now continuing their education elsewhere, and we wish them all the best moving forward.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It is now time to thank each and every one of you for the tremendous efforts you have put in throughout 2024, whether it be for the students, research, or the many other tasks we undertake at our faculty.

The significance of your work is clearly evident every time we graduate and bid farewell to our students and doctoral candidates, and when we meet you at award ceremonies, in research gatherings, and other meetings around. Furthermore, by contributing to the dissemination of important research findings, both through our own channels and in other media, you demonstrate how applied knowledge provides the public with good and up-to-date information. It is an honour and a pleasure for us to lead this strong faculty in collaboration with you.

We hope that you all enjoy some well-deserved time off and have a very merry Christmas. We wish you all the best for the new year and look forward to welcoming you back in 2025!

Best regards,

Hanne, Jan, Magnus, Grete, Eli and Hanna

Photo carousel showing archive photos from 2024

Yet another eventful year at the faculty with award ceremonies, doctoral defences, events, visits, meetings with partners, and much more. Please note that the captions are in Norwegian.

By Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo together with the deanship and the director.
Published Dec. 12, 2024 9:26 AM - Last modified Dec. 12, 2024 9:26 AM