fourMs Lab Meeting September 7


  • Introduction
    • Introduction of people (if necessary)
    • Agree on agenda
    • Agree on secretary
  • Logistics
    • Lab and Covid Status
    • Network troubleshooting
  • fourMs Semester Schedule
    • Events
    • Fall Experiments 
      • Fadi October/November
      • MusicLab Copenhagen October 26
      • MusicLab Synaesthesia November 24
      • Ulf (Nov/Dec)
  • New booking procedure using TP
  • Equipment Related Updates
  • Group Discussion
    • Wants for Fall Semester lab meetings (demos, discussions, etc)

Meeting Minutes

  • Logistics
    • Lab is open but still on covid restrictions. Kayla is working on updating these with the HF faculty. If you need to do a study in the fall, talk with her about planning.
    • Instrumentnett is having some issues when using Delsys with QTM. The temporary solution is to disable it until data upload.
    • CLEAN OUT THE LAB COMPUTERS, next meeting we will be going through the local data on the computers. From not until then, delete/move anything you have that is saved there. 
  • fourMs Semester Schedule
    • Events
    • Fall Experiments 
      • Fadi November with pilots in October. Needs Optitrack and HR sensors for portable studies too. 
      • MusicLab Copenhagen October 26
      • MusicLab Synaesthesia November 24
      • Ulf (Dec with pilots in November)
      • Laura/Dongho - November-ish QTM+Delsys
      • Rolf Inge - Piano Delsys+MoCap late semester
      • Atilla - pilot testing during fall semester
  • New booking procedure using TP
  • Equipment Related Updates
    • Organization project: Portable Equipment Handbook Page
      • Links through there to equipment DB. Make sure to take out equipment on loan so others can see through the equipment DB calendar. Ask Kayla for help if needed
      • List of equipment will continue to grow but the majority is there now
      • Any equipment missing directions, feel free to make a page or edit a current one!
    • Myo + Bela collection
      • ???????Need to find all the parts. Kayla to follow up after
    • New funding application for sensors
      • Physiological: Respiratory/HR
      • If you have opinions, application is due 20 Sep so talk to Alexander/Kayla soon!
  • Group Discussion
    • Wants for Fall Semester lab meetings (demos, discussions, etc)
      • Sensor Demos
        • What is the sensor? How do you use it? Why did you choose this? 
      • Data Management


Kayla Burnim
Published June 16, 2021 2:29 PM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2021 3:52 PM