Booking Procedure

Room booking procedure for the Motion Capture Lab at RITMO

General Booking Rules

  • Only those who have been properly trained may book the lab
    • See Kayla for training or questions
  • Book only the time the lab is in use
    • Include time for setup, cleanup, and data transfer
  • Schedule with your participants before booking time
    • Lab can be “held for schedule confirmation” for one week
  • If you need to leave equipment setup in between lab use, talk to Kayla about special arrangements
  • If something changes, please immediately reschedule or cancel the lab time

General Procedure

We are using the UiO TP system for booking. Full system guides can be found here

Note: You have to be a member of "hf-imv-rombestilling-mocaplabben", talk to Kayla if you need to be added

Viewing Schedule

  1. Use to open the lab booking web page.
  2. Click on Rom Screen shot of TP homescreen
  3. Enter Omr?de (Area): Gaustad, Bygning (Building): Harald Schjelderups hus, and Rom (Room): Motion capture lab (RITMO). You can change calendar time by adjusting Uke (week) and ?r (year ). Screen shot of TP calendar view
  4. Double clicking a time slot will bring up the booking screen. 

Directly Booking Lab

  1. Use to open the lab booking web page.
  2.  Click on Rombestilling  and then login using your UIO username and password Screen shot of TP homescreen
  3. Select the Tid (Time) as required. Select Omr?de(Area) : Gaustad , Bygning(Building) : Harald Schjelderups hus and Romtype(Room type) : Laboratorium . Then click on Vis ledige rom (Show available rooms) Screen shot of TP Booking
  4. When you click on the show available room, all the available labs at HSH will appear for the date and time you have selected. Motion Capture Lab is the one you want. Select the lab using the check box and then click on Bestill (book) Screen shot of TP Room Select
  5. Enter the beskrivelse (description) and merknad (comments) then click on Bekreft (confirm) Screen shot of TP booking comments
  6. You can view or edit your bookings using the "Vis mine bestillinger" (view my bookings) tab


    Published Jan. 18, 2019 11:41 AM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2021 1:21 PM