fourMs Lab Meeting


  • Introduction
  • Current state of the setup
    • Door: there are still issues with the lock (see e-mail from Kayla)
    • Dance Mat:
      • New dance mat has arrived (20x4m). Will be cut to smaller pieces and taped to the floor
      • Kayla checks whether the mat will be cleaned regularly.
      • Necessary to have a shoe policy: preferably do not use shoes on mat, and definitely not dirty shoes.
    • Network
      • SSH connection between the two PCs in the lab work.
      • Audio machine: the Mac Pro will be taken down and replaced by a windows PC.
      • Necessary to allow for local traffic between the three PCs in the control room, to stream OSC messages from QTM.
    • Modular cameras: will try to make a limited number of setups to allow for placing cameras in different locations on the floor.
    • Handbook updates
      • Coming soon ethics website
    • Additional Equipment
      • Location: more stuff has been moved up from ZEB. Things are split between lab, Kayla's office, and storage in basement.
      • Funding + deadlines: Kayla can buy small consumables on lab budget. All other things need to be applied for through regular funding schemes.
  • Lab Mom
    • Clean up and shutdown: remember to turn off everything after you leave. Put things back in place. Remove your coffee cup!
    • Lab booking: remember to remove your booking if you are not going to use it.

    • Data transfer: remove your files from the QTM computer. Should be moved to HF-mocap.

  • Wishlist: please add stuff and discuss with Kayla/Alexander
  • Sweetzpot sensors: meeting next week to discuss extensions
  • Misc.
    • Small mixer: need to troubleshoot feedback issues: any volunteers?

    • Optitrack: seems to be working fine. Kayla checks cable lengths.

    • Thermal camera: plan to have demo

    • Musiclab: 2 planned events:

      • MusicLab vol. 4: performance at Oslo World, 2 November, Kulturhuset. Data collection with AX3.

      • MusicLab vol. 5: silent disco at Realfagsbiblioteket. Try out Optitrack with custom-built rigid bodies.

    • New testing:

      • Eye tracking and mocap

      • Mobile EEG and mocap

Published Aug. 20, 2019 1:44 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2020 1:43 PM