fourMs Lab Meeting


  • Introduction
    • Introduction of people (if necessary)
    • Check minutes from last meeting
    • Agree on agenda
    • Agree on secretary
  • Current state of the setup
    • Fixed: Door, microphones, speakers (?)
    • Broken: Ventilation, Lights
  • Network
    • Current State (VDI, Lab, etc)
    • HF-MoCap Drive
  • New Booking Procedure
  • Needs to begin experiments?


  • Current state of the setup
    • Door is working
    • Microphones are working for talkback as well as XLR plugs for recording
    • Speakers are working, can use either MAX or Reaper to play sound through Mac. Other options for sound play are being developed.
      • Continue to test and let Kayla know if there are issues before the electric company has the repair finalized
    • Ventilation can now be turned off but still does not work. Please turn on after you are done using the lab if you turn it off.
    • Lights in the lab are always on, issues are also in the engineering and admin offices too. Maintenance knows of the issue.
    • QTM - An error has been found when doing sequential data capture with one of the cameras. It will be tested again troubleshooting will occur to prevent this in the future.
  • Network
    • VDI is up and running, please continue to test and let Kayla know what errors you encounter
    • HF-MoCap Drive will be mounted in the lab later this week
      • Will need to use external drive to move data from mac currently until other solution is in place
  • New Booking Procedure
    • Short questionnaire has been added to the booking procedure
  • Needs to begin experiments?
    • Let Kayla know if you need equipment, wires, or anything unique with advanced notice before experiments start.
Published Feb. 6, 2019 10:58 AM - Last modified Apr. 24, 2019 9:12 AM