Log on to Canvas

To log in to Canvas, go to canvas.uio.no

  1. Go to canvas.uio.no.
    If you are already logged in to a UiO computer or another UiO IT service, the login to Canvas is automatic, and Canvas will open. If you are on a non-UiO computer, and not logged in to another UiO IT service, you will be sent to Weblogin (the UiO Login Service). Enter your regular UiO user name and password there. Two-factor authentication is required.
  2. Your Canvas dashboard opens and you can access the course(s) you have there.

Log on Canvas

Please note: Use the Chrome, Firefox or Safari web browsers. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

Want to know more about Canvas?

If you are not familiar with Canvas, we recommend taking a look at Canvas - Quick Start.


Need help or do you have questions about Canvas at UiO?


Published Aug. 1, 2019 2:55 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2024 12:35 PM