EU projects
Activity | Researcher | Local research support |
(Project economist) |
MN EU team | FIADM* |
Design of application Application text and formalities for submission |
Yes | Yes, participates if desired | No | Yes, assists when needed | Yes, via EU team when needed (confirmation letter) |
Budget | Yes | Yes, participates if desired | No, but checks if desired |
Yes, prepares budget |
No |
Declaration of honor Electronic signing in the EU portal “Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal” (Initiates contract negotiations) |
No |
Yes, the unit manager must confirm by email that the unit will own the project | No | Yes, makes sure that the confirmation is sent |
Yes, signs in the portal after confirmation from unit manager |
Grant Agreement: Contract negotiations Both internal and for the funding sources |
Yes | Yes, if desired/has resources |
Yes, if necessary | Yes, coordinates the process and has a dialogue with funding sources |
No |
Grant Agreement: Signing Electronic signing in the EU portal |
No | No | No | No | Yes, signs when everything is clear |
Consortium Agreement Preparation and negotiation of cooperation agreement |
Yes |
Yes, contact point if desired/has resources | No | Yes, FIADM's contact point for the researcher |
Yes, a lawyer prepares agreement |
Creation of project in the economic system | No | Yes, by some units. Preparing background documents and archiving in Elements | Yes. Preparing background documents and archiving in Elements |
No | No |
Start-up meeting Internal meeting to arrange for good project implementation |
Yes, participates | Yes, participates | Yes, participates | Yes, organizes the meeting | No |
Kick-off, coordinator project Arrange the meeting (collaborative project) |
Yes | Yes, assists | No, participates when needed | Yes, assists when needed and contributes to the meeting | No |
Operational phase Consortium meetings, contract changes, daily operation |
Yes | Yes, assists | Yes, responsible for economic operation |
Yes, if necessary | Yes, via the EU team if necessary |
Time sheets | Yes, responsibility to fill out | Yes, assists when needed | Yes, collects and archives | Yes, assists when needed | No |
Reporting, financial and professional | Yes | Yes, in collaboration with EU team and researcher | Yes, in collaboration with EU team and researcher | Yes, in collaboration with researcher, finance, and possibly local researcher support. Meeting if necessary |
No |
Revision Internal - at the end of the project External - EU orders |
Yes, if necessary | Yes, if necessary | Yes, main responsible | Yes, if necessary | Yes, if external revision |
End project in financial system | No | No | Yes | No | No |
Training of local research support and project economist |
No | Yes, participates when needed | Yes, participates when needed | Yes | No |
RCN projects (not SFF, SFI, FME)
Activity | Researcher | Local research support |
(Project economist) |
MN EU team | FIADM* |
Design of application Application text and formalities for submission |
Yes | Yes, participates if desired | No | Offers a read-through service for Early Career Scientist (FRIPRO) | No |
Budget | Yes | Yes, participates if desired | Yes, prepares budget |
No | No |
Invitation to revised application Both internal and for the funding sources (RCN) |
Yes, main responsible | Yes, participates when needed | Yes, revises the budget if necessary | No | No |
Cooperation agreement |
Yes | Yes, contact point | Yes, if necessary | Yes, if necessary | Yes, a lawyer assists if necessary |
Grant Agreement Signing |
No | Yes, makes sure that the Institute leader / Head of office sings |
No | No | No |
Creation of project in the economic system | No | Yes, by some units. Preparing background documents and archiving in Elements | Yes. Preparing background documents and archiving in Elements |
No | No |
Start-up meeting Internal meeting to arrange for good project implementation |
Yes, participates | Yes, organizes the meeting. Registers the project number in Cristin | Yes, participates if necessary | No | No |
Operational phase Change notices, daily operation |
Yes, main responsible. Informs about changes | Yes, change notices in collaboration with project economist. Contact point for researcher |
Yes, communicating financial status to researcher, preparer possibly revised budget for change notifications. Updating budget i the economic system. |
Yes, can be contacted if necessary | No |
Reporting, financial and professional | Yes | Yes, assists the researcher | Yes | No | No |
Final report | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
End project in financial system | No | No, but assists if necessary | Yes, warns researcher and research support before the project is closed |
No | No |
Training of local research support and project economist |
No | Yes, participates and facilitates when needed | Yes, participates and facilitates when needed | No |
Yes, organizes courses centrally |
You can download this overview her: MN – Ansvar og oppgavedeling for eksternfinansierte prosjekter (pdf) (bare p? norsk)