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Externally funded projects: Who does what?

Researchers, local research support, project economists, the MN research section, and FIADM* are involved with externally funded projects from different angles. You can see who is responsible for what in this overview.

*FIADM = Department for Research and Innovation Administration (UiO central)

EU projects

Activity Researcher Local research support


(Project economist)

Design of application
Application text and formalities for submission
Yes Yes, participates if desired No  Yes, assists when needed Yes, via EU team when needed
(confirmation letter)
Budget Yes Yes, participates if desired No, but checks
if desired
Yes, prepares
Declaration of honor
Electronic signing in the EU portal “Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal”
(Initiates contract negotiations)
Yes, the unit manager must confirm by email that the unit will own the project No Yes, makes sure that the
confirmation is sent
Yes, signs in the portal after confirmation from unit manager

Grant Agreement: Contract negotiations
Contract documents, including budget.

Both internal and for the funding sources

Yes Yes, if desired/has 
Yes, if necessary Yes, coordinates
the process and has a dialogue with funding sources
Grant Agreement: Signing
Electronic signing in the EU portal
No No No No Yes, signs when everything 
is clear
Consortium Agreement
Preparation and negotiation of 
cooperation agreement
Yes, contact point if desired/has resources No Yes, FIADM's 
contact point for the
Yes, a lawyer prepares 
Creation of project in the economic system No Yes, by some units. Preparing background documents and archiving in Elements Yes. Preparing
background documents and archiving in 
No No
Start-up meeting 
Internal meeting to arrange for good 
project implementation
Yes, participates Yes, participates Yes, participates Yes, organizes the meeting No
Kick-off, coordinator project
Arrange the meeting (collaborative project)
Yes Yes, assists No, participates when needed Yes, assists when needed and contributes to the meeting No
Operational phase 
Consortium meetings, contract changes, daily 
Yes Yes, assists Yes, responsible for 
economic operation
Yes, if necessary Yes, via the EU team if necessary
Time sheets Yes, responsibility to fill out Yes, assists when needed Yes, collects and archives Yes, assists when needed No
Reporting, financial and professional Yes Yes, in collaboration with EU team and researcher Yes, in collaboration with EU team and researcher Yes, in collaboration with 
researcher, finance, and 
possibly local researcher support. Meeting if
Internal - at the end of the project
External - EU orders
Yes, if necessary Yes, if necessary Yes, main responsible Yes, if necessary Yes, if external 
End project in financial system No No Yes No No
Training of local research support and 
project economist
No Yes, participates when needed Yes, participates when needed Yes No


RCN projects (not SFF, SFI, FME)

Activity Researcher Local research support


(Project economist)

Design of application
Application text and formalities for submission
Yes Yes, participates if desired No  Offers a read-through service for Early Career Scientist (FRIPRO) No
Budget Yes Yes, participates if desired Yes, prepares
No No

Invitation to revised application
Contract documents, including budget.

Both internal and for the funding sources (RCN)

Yes, main responsible Yes, participates when needed Yes, revises the budget if necessary No No

Cooperation agreement

Yes Yes, contact point Yes, if necessary Yes, if necessary Yes, a lawyer assists if necessary

Grant Agreement


No Yes, makes sure that the
Institute leader / Head of office sings
No No No
Creation of project in the economic system No Yes, by some units. Preparing background documents and archiving in Elements Yes. Preparing
background documents and archiving in 
No No
Start-up meeting 
Internal meeting to arrange for good 
project implementation
Yes, participates Yes, organizes the meeting. Registers the project number in Cristin Yes, participates if necessary No No
Operational phase 
Change notices, daily 
Yes, main responsible. Informs about changes Yes, change notices 
in collaboration with 
project economist. Contact point for  researcher
Yes, communicating 
financial status to 
researcher, preparer 
possibly revised budget 
for change notifications. 
Updating budget i 
the economic system.
Yes, can be contacted if necessary No
Reporting, financial and professional Yes Yes, assists the researcher Yes No No
Final report Yes Yes Yes No No
End project in financial system No No, but assists if necessary Yes, warns researcher and 
research support before 
the project is closed
No No
Training of local research support and 
project economist
No Yes, participates and facilitates when needed Yes, participates and facilitates when needed No

Yes, organizes courses centrally


You can download this overview her: MN – Ansvar og oppgavedeling for eksternfinansierte prosjekter (pdf) (bare p? norsk)

Published Jan. 15, 2025 10:48 AM - Last modified Feb. 24, 2025 3:26 PM