Events offered by the welfare and senior employees' associations
Styret i Seniorforeningen UiO ?nsker sine medlemmer velkommen til ?rsm?te tirsdag 25. mars 2025. P?meldingsfrist: 10. mars 2025.
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience like never seen before. Discover the music of Vivaldi's Four Seasons under the gentle glow of candlelight.
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience like never seen before. Discover the music of Hans Zimmer under the gentle glow of candlelight.
Bli med Seniorforeningen og opplev S?rlandske perler 16.-18. juni! P?meldingsfrist: 1. mars 2025.
The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Norway cordially invites you to a special concert celebrating Bulgaria’s National Day.
I Lang dags ferd mot natt f?lger vi familien Tyrone gjennom en lang dag i sommerhuset, hvor familiens skj?re tilstand gradvis avdekkes. P?meldingsfrist: 13. februar 2025
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience like never seen before. Discover the music of Coldplay under the gentle glow of candlelight.
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience like never seen before. Discover the music of Hans Zimmer under the gentle glow of candlelight.
Oslo Kammerakademi performs a rarely played masterpiece for wind instruments by Richard Strauss, alongside a classical masterpiece by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Bli med Seniorforeningen p? vintertur til Hadeland Glassverk.
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience like never seen before. Discover the music of Ludovico Einaudi under the gentle glow of candlelight.
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience like never seen before. Discover the music of Nordic Composers on Piano under the gentle glow of candlelight.
Velkommen p? julelunsj med Seniorforeningen p? Brasserie France! P?melding er n? stengt!
Oslo Kammerakademi, one of the foremost chamber ensembles in the Nordic countries, celebrates its 15th birthday with a concert of music by Mozart, Beethoven, Weill and ?m.
Styret i Seniorforeningen UiO ?nsker sine medlemmer velkommen til medlemsm?te med foredrag tirsdag 12. november 2024. P?meldingsfristen er 7. november 2024.
Bli med Seniorforeningen p? konsertaften med Leif Ove Andsnes og Oslo-filharmonien i Oslo konserthus. P?meldingsfrist: 9. oktober 2024
Bli med Seniorforeningen til Nasjonalbiblioteket for ? se utstillingen Med lova i hand: Magnus Lagab?tes Landslov, 1274-2024.
Bli med p? sensommertur til Freialand for ? se Edvard Munch sine bilder og skulpturparken, handling i Freiakiosken og lunsj ved Sofienbergparken. P?meldingsfrist: 12. august.
The University of Oslo and OsloMet invite all students and employees to celebrate diversity, inclusion and love by joining us in this year's Pride parade. We walk under the banner ?Fearless knowledge?.
Bli med p? v?rtur til Ramme G?rd hvor det blir guidet tur og lunsj med Seniorforeningen. P?meldingsfrist: 10. mai.
The Committee for Social and Cultural Activities takes pleasure in inviting all members of staff at UiO to the wonderful University Garden at 17th of May at 11:00 AM.
Free entrance
The Committee for Social and Cultural Activities takes pleasure in inviting international faculty and staff at UiO to a traditional Norwegian 17th of May/Constitution Day breakfast from 10.00–11.00 am in Stallen Professorboligen Karl Johansgt.47.
Bli med p? omvisning i Holmenkollen skimuseum og hoppt?rnet! P?meldingsfrist: 2. mai 2024.
As the season draws to a close, we invite you join us for an enchanting evening, celebrating the beauty of 'tenderness'.
Seniorforeningen inviterer til bes?k ved Ibsen Museum og Teater. Museet er nyrenovert og utvidet med nytt amfiteater. P?meldingsfrist: 8. april.