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Results and follow-up from the survey

Here you will find information about what happens after the ARK-survey is conducted.

How the results are presented in the report

The report will display columns showing the overall scores of the unit on the survey topics. Additionally, there will be charts comparing the unit's values with those of higher levels and the entire university and college sector, making it easier to compare results with other workplaces.

The results will be presented as simple summaries with average and dispersion figures. Our advice is to focus on the unit's strengths and areas for improvement. The purpose of the survey is to create a better working environment.

The leader's responses will be excluded when the results for each unit are compiled. This is to ensure that the leader's responses do not influence the results for the unit they lead. The leader's responses still apply to higher levels and the entire University of Oslo (UiO).

Please refer to the reading guide for the ARK survey report on YouTube.

Good or bad results?

Whether a result is good or bad is determined by employees together in the units. The goal is for the survey results to help understand the current environment, identify important factors and working conditions, and provide guidance for the future.

A piece of advice is to focus on the unit's strengths and areas for improvement in the future, rather than dwelling too much on the past. The purpose of the work environment work is to create a better working environment.

Follow-up on the results

The management of each unit is responsible for following up on the survey results. Leaders and safety representatives should document implemented measures and completed processes together.

The status of the follow-up should be reported to cooperation bodies such as the LAMU and in HSE-reporting. Safety representatives should be involved in follow-up work. Leaders can seek guidance from local ARK-coordinators, who in turn receive assistance from the ARK-coordinators at UiO. Leaders can also seek assistance from the Occupational health services (OHSU).

Research on ARK-surveys

If you consent to participate in the survey, your response will be included in a research database along with data from the rest of the university and college sector participating in ARK. Such a database will be a valuable reference and research material that will enable research on work environment issues specific to the university and college sector.

The research will focus on larger groups, and the sum of responses from many employees will be subject to statistical analysis. Researchers cannot identify individuals who have answered because

  • the link between your response and email address will be deleted well before the research begins.
  • researchers will only receive anonymized data where no individuals can be recognized.

Researchers wishing to use data from the database must apply for access and state the purpose of their research. Applications are processed by a research group at NTNU.

Media access

The media may request access to the survey reports. This is because the reports are not confidential but subject to the rules on enhanced public access. They can request access at the university, faculty, or unit level (department and section). When reports are provided at the unit level, employees must be informed of the results before they are released.

Media coverage of the results should adhere to the "V?r Varsom-plakaten" (a Norwegian media ethics code).

Published Jan. 5, 2024 2:19 PM - Last modified Apr. 9, 2024 1:46 PM