The overview is sorted alphabetically. You can sort the list by other values in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header. For example, click the table heading ?Employed at? to sort the list by location code in ascending order. Click the headline again to sort in descending order. The ?Scope? column indicates assumed activity as a percentage of a man-year.
Sideline jobs and owner interests for Rector
The overview does not include tasks or duties that according to current legislation are exempt from public access.
Name | Employed at | Organization | Nature of the work | Start date | Scope |
St?len, Svein | Universitetet i Oslo | Tyrving IL | Styreleder | 2020-03-07 | 0 |
St?len, Svein | Universitetet i Oslo | Nestleder styret UHR | Universitets og h?ydkoler?det | 2021-05-31 | 0 |
St?len, Svein | Universitetet i Oslo | Anders Jahres fond til vitenskapens fremme | Styreleder | 2017-09-01 | 0 |
St?len, Svein | Universitetet i Oslo | Oslo Science City | Styreleder | 2019-03-19 | 0 |
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