Norwegian version of this page

Procedure for election of members and deputy members of local working environment committees

The procedure is outdated - see the Norwegian version.


To ensure the election of members and deputy members for local working environment committees in an appropriate and predictable manner.

Range of application

Applies to all units of the University that have set up or need to set up a local working environment committee.


  • The management of a safety zone is responsible for setting up a working environment committee when it has been decided to do so.
  • Safety zones with an existing working environment committee shall set up an election committee to elect employee representatives to the committee.
  • If a working environment committee decides to establish a new committee within its safety zone, the original committee will be responsible for setting up an election committee.



  • The working environment committee appoints an election committee. The election committee must set up a schedule to ensure elections are completed before 1 November. The appointment will be for two years.
  • The election committee must identify potential candidates. All staff and unions may nominate candidates. All staff are eligible, including those that have been elected as safety representatives.
  • The election committee should consider whether it is appropriate to create a website for information on the election, or whether the relevant details can be posted directly on the unit's webpages on the safety organisation.


  • The election committee will publicise the candidates and proposers before the election.
  • All staff have the right to vote with the exception of top management.
  • Votes can only be cast for proposed candidates, and votes can only be cast for the number of members and deputy members to be elected. Voting shall be secret and written. An electronic solution can be used as long as the requirement for a secret ballot is safeguarded.

Non-elected members

The local senior safety representative ev. leading safety representative  for a working environment committee's area shall be a member. Where there is only one safety representative for an area, he/she shall be one of the employee representatives on the committee.

The management shall appoint its representatives and deputies to the committee. A representative of top management must be a member of the committee.

Agreements with trade unions

The trade unions at the University have agreed that the election of representatives to local working environment committees will primarily be implemented pro rata.


Elections are to be documented by written notification from the election committee to the management on who has been elected as a member/deputy member of the local working environment committee.


Archiving of HSE documents (Norwegian).


  • "Working environment committee" in this procedure is defined as a committee at organisational level.
  • "Management" in this procedure means the management at the same organisational level as the working environment committee in question.
  • "Top management" in this procedure is defined as the Rector, Dean, heads of department and administrative managers, directors of administrative departments and their deputies, museum directors and their deputies, the University Library Director and deputy, heads of centres and their deputies for faculties which do not come under a faculty or museum etc.
  • "Staff" in this procedure are defined as the personnel the University is responsible for as en employer.


See this page in Norwegian

Document ID

  • Compiled by: HSE Unit
  • Authorized by: University Director Gunn-Elin Aa. Bj?rneboe
  • Date of authorization: 19.05.2017
  • Version: 3
  • Case and document no. in ePhorte: 2012/11454-97
Published June 24, 2013 10:43 AM - Last modified Oct. 2, 2024 11:42 AM