Norwegian version of this page

Policy for systematic HSE work

Requirements for UiO

Organisation of the work

The University Director is responsible for:

  • The HSE work at UiO is organised in an appropriate way with sufficient resources. This means that:
    • UiO has a working environment committee (WEC) and a safety organisation as described in the policy for the safety organisation.
    • A network has been established for local HSE coordinators
    • UiO has a fire protection organisation as described in the fire protection policy.
  • UiO has a HSE system that ensures systematic HSE work that takes attends to UiO's challenges.
  • UiO is associated with an approved occupational health service (OHS), with expertise and capacity to meet UiO's needs.
  • UiO has a system to document completed HSE training
  • UiO has a system for handling non-conformance


The University Director is responsible for ensuring that the University of Oslo:

  • Has targets for the HSE work, plans to achieve these targets and that the work is followed up.
  • In collaboration with OHS, a plan for the use of OHS is drawn up annually
  • Has an annual plan for carrying out HSE audits


The University Director is responsible for ensuring that HSE training is carried out as described in the HSE training policy.

Risk management

The University Director is responsible for ensuring that HSE work at UiO is risk-based and that preventive work is carried out.

Central activities

The University Director is responsible for ensuring the following activities in the systematic HSE work is carried out annually:

  • Compliance assessment
  • Management's review

Requirements for faculties, museums, the university library and LOS

Organisation of the work

The unit's senior manager is responsible for ensuring that the HSE work at the unit is organised in an appropriate manner and that the HSE system is complied with.

The unit's senior manager must appoint a HSE coordinator, who shall have the following functions:

  • Advisor to the management in HSE professional matters
  • Initiator of the systematic HSE work, e.g.:
    • Follow-up of the unit's HSE procedures and HSE non-conformance processing
    • LWEC
    • Follow-up and implementation of preventive activities and tasks decided after HSE non-conformance, risk analyses, working environment investigations and in the unit's HSE programme
    • Operation of the unit's substances database
    • Safety inspections
    • HSE competence in the unit
  • The HSE coordinator must participate in the network for HSE coordinators managed by the Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness.

The unit's senior management must ensure that the safety representatives participate in matters that affect the working environment.


The unit's senior manager must:

  • Consider setting specific HSE targets in addition to UiO's HSE targets
  • Establish an action plan that supports the HSE objectives

Goals and action plans must be processed and followed up by the LWEC.

The unit's senior manager must prepare an annual plan for the use of OHS, based on the unit's risk profile and needs. The plan must be created in collaboration with the Unit for OHS.

Central activities

The unit's senior manager is responsible for:

  • Working environment surveys and risk analyses shall be regularly carried out and shall include the company's physical, psychosocial and organisational working environment, and that risk-reducing measures are prioritised and implemented.
  • Inspection rounds shall be carried out at least annually.
  • Employees meet UiO's requirements for HSE competence. Refer to the policy on HSE training.
  • HSE non-conformance is handled according to the policy on non-conformance management.
  • Coordination agreements are entered into when several businesses carry out work at the same workplace.
  • The management's review is carried out annually as described in the procedure for the management's review.

Deliveries from the units in LOS

Unit for HSE and Emergency Preparedness

The unit for HSE and emergency preparedness must:

  • Advise management on HSE-related matters.
  • Maintain UiO's HSE management system.
  • Establish and operate networks for the HSE coordinators and other HSE-related networks.
  • Own, manage and develop common electronic systems for non-conformance management and the substances database.
  • Be the initiator for common HSE systems.
  • If there is a need for interface clarifications, coordinate between the units in LOS that manage requirements in the HSE system.
  • Coordinate HSE supervision where several organisational units are affected.
  • Coordinate the HSE content when entering into framework agreements.

Department of Personnel Support

  • The Department of Personnel Support must ensure that:
  • There are methods and tools available for working environment surveys
  • Relevant training is offered within the psychosocial and organisational working environment


  1. Arbeidsmilj?loven
  2. Internkontrollforskriften
  3. Forskrift om organisering ledelse og medvirkning
  4. ISO 45001 – Ledelsessystemer for Arbeidsmilj?

Document info and change log

Responsible unit: Unit for HSE and Emergency Preparedness



Brief description of change

Case no.

Signed by



Nytt dokument

2020/ 12438-3

Arne Benjaminsen

Published Mar. 12, 2013 10:53 AM - Last modified July 7, 2023 12:42 PM