To ensure that the University
- has an updated chemical inventory
- uses the information in the chemical inventoryfor systematic HSE management
- has provided safety data sheets, protection sheets and information sheets for staff and students
- has given students and staff training in use of the chemical inventory, safety data sheet or information sheet
Range of application
This procedure applies to all university units where chemical substances and mixtures of substances or biological agents are stored or used.
- Managers are responsible for ensuring that there is an updated chemical inventory in their unit and that information is used in systematic HSE management.
- Managers are responsible for ensuring that staff and students receive training in the use of the chemical inventory, safety data sheets and information sheets.
- Staff and students are responsible for using the chemical inventoryand following the recommendations given in the safety data sheets and information sheets.
The University has decided that all chemicals, regardless of mandatory labeling, as well as biological factors in classes 2, 3 and 4, should be registered in the chemical inventory. The chemical inventorywill be created in an online program supplied by ECOonline (ecoonline.no).
Creation and maintenance of the chemical inventory
- The unit's organisation and premises shall be entered. Safety data sheets or information sheets from the supplier of chemical or biological agents must be kept in the premises where the chemical or biological agent is used or stored.
- When purchasing chemicals or biological agents, either safety data sheets or information sheets from the supplier should be included or it must be checked whether the information the chemical inventoryis up-to-date.
- When entering / updating the safety data sheet, select the safety data sheet from the following bases by priority order:
- Eco Archive - Safety Data Sheets updated by chemical supplier (blue lines)
- Eco Plus - The safety data sheets are updated by Eco online (pink lines). Users who will be able to access the safety data sheet from Eco Plus shall be registered to Eco online by Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness.
- Eco Publisher - Safety Data Sheets are updated by UiO (white lines).
Chemical inventoryrequirements
- In addition to the information that identifies a chemical, details on the amount of that chemical which can be kept in the premises should entered.
- 'Only visible during search' should be marked under product information linked to safety data sheets or information sheets.
- Safety data sheets should only be in Norwegian in principle, but English can be used for research chemicals.
Using the chemical inventory
- The chemical inventorymust be used to identify which units use chemicals which require that staff are offered specific health examinations or that imply assessment of the need for occupational hygiene measurements.
- Safety data sheets or information sheets should be used to ensure proper handling of chemical substances and compounds or biological agents.
- Risk assessment of chemicals or biological agents must be performed. Risk assessment includes a substitution assessment.
Access to chemical inventory
- Company code, user name and password can be obtained from the local HSE coordinator or the Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness.
- The local administrator shall give the person who will keep the directory updated access to the neccesary locations.
- The local administrator shall submit an overview of new common users (access to read safety data sheets) to hms-post@admin.uio
- The local administrator shall submit an overview of users who shall have access to Eco Plus and tutorial videos to hms-post@admin.uio
- Safety representative shall have access to chemical database in its safety zone.
Training in use of the chemical inventory
- Anyone updating the chemical inventorymust receive training before starting the work. For training in University-specific aspects, contact the Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness. For general knowledge about Eco online, check links to online courses (Norwegian).
- ECOonline runs its own courses on the service.
- Each user must be trained in the use of safety data sheets.
Document ID
- Compiled by: Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness
- Authorized by: University Director Gunn-Elin Aa. Bj?rneboe
- Date of authorization: 19.05.2017
- Version: 4
- Case and document no. in ePhorte: 2012/11454-95