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Feedback feature

The feedback feature allows users to provide feedback on a website. You can either get anonymous feedback or let users enter their email address so you can reply them.

This is how the feedback feature looks like:

Recommended use

The feedback feature should be placed on pages where it is important to know if the user gets to do what he/ she has come to the page to do, and where feedback from users give you information about what you should include in the page. Therefore, we recommend that it is used on most web pages, with the exception of navigation and current issues such as news and events.

If there is an option for users to enter their email address so that they can receive a direct answer, be sure to have staff to respond to these inquiries.


The feedback feature should be placed at the bottom of the body text field on articles and events. It can be placed at the bottom of the page in the article template or in a separate box in the front page template.

How to insert a feedback feature

  1. Create or select an email address so that you can receive feedback from users who answered "no" when prompted if they found what they are looking for.
  2. Select "Source" in edit mode. 
  3. If you want anonymous feedback, paste this code, including the email address the feedback should go to: 
${resource:feedback mail-to=[navn@epost]}

     4. If you want to give users the option to enter their email address, so you can reply to them, paste in this code:

${resource:feedback mail-to=[navn@epost] reply-to-field=[true]}

Feedback feature with link to contact point

It is also possible to specify the address of a separate contact page, if that is appropriate: contact-url=[http://adresse.til/kontakt/punkt.html]

${resource:feedback mail-to=[navn@epost] 

How to find statistics on the feedback

Published Jan. 25, 2022 7:08 AM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2022 10:54 PM