The infrastructure has broad application for all areas attempting to understand the behavior of political actors. In order to ensure widespread use of the infrastructure, development is organized around two research groups, the Conflict Patterns group at PRIO and the Comparative Institutions and Regimes group at the Department of Political Science (UiO), both of which were ranked as "excellent" in the SAMEVAL evaluation. PSI will develop a common ID framework for non-state actors and entities at various geographical scales, automated machine coding and machine learning tools to accurately record social and political events compatible with these entities and actors, and a framework for implementing PSI in third-party setting.
Peace Science Infrastructure (PSI)
PSI (Political Science Infrastructure) is an ambitious infrastructure project within social science that will provide researchers nationally and globally with access to new and unexplored data sources to study political processes in fine-grained detail.

Published Mar. 5, 2024 11:21 AM
- Last modified Mar. 12, 2024 11:39 AM