The Grand Start-Up Month

A lot has happened since dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science – started in the beginning of 2021, but October has been the big start-up month.

Bj?rn Arild Gram,?Minister of Local Government and District Policy, officially opened dScience on October 27. Photo: Yngve Vogt

Bj?rn Arild Gram, Minister of Local Government and District Policy, officially opened dScience on October 27. Photo: Yngve Vogt

The Official Opening

On October 27, the Minister of Local Government and District Policy, Bj?rn Arild Gram, officially opened the center. This took place in Sophus Lie’s Auditorium at Blindern with more than 500 participants from academia, industry and public sector. The evening started with a magnificent excerpt from “Jordopphimlesang” by Fredrik H?yer. This play will be running at the National Theatre next spring.

Panel discussion. Photo: Yngve Vogt
Panel discussion. Photo: Yngve Vogt

It was a very successful evening with exceptional, professional talks by Simen Eide (uncertainty in machine learning) and Lilja ?vrelid (language technology), an inspiring panel discussion on the importance of data in research and innovation, speeches by me and my bosses, as well as a couple other news. One of these was a sneak peek into what Oslo Science City is planning for dScience. More information on this will come when Oslo Science City launch their plans on November 30, 2021.

Seminar Series

On October 14, the first of two seminar series that dScience arranges, started. The first series, our lunch seminars, will take place every Thursday throughout the year, except for holidays and public holidays. Once a month, the seminar will be open for everyone and take place in the Science Library. All other seminars will be held in the dScience premises in the Penal, entrance through Georg Morgenstiernes hus, and are only open to PhD-candidates and postdocs. The program is available on our website.

Klas Pettersen (CEO) presenting NORA at our lunch seminar.
Klas Pettersen (CEO) presenting NORA at our lunch seminar.

We are currently planning a second seminar series that will start during spring 2022. The structure of this is not 100% clear yet, but it is reasonably clear that it initially will be about opportunities and challenges related to the use of data in research and innovation.

Our Premises

Even though we moved into our premises over summer, it is only now that they are completely ready for use. Together with dScience in the Penal, is the NORA secretary and Digital Life Norway.

Much more has happened lately, but this was a short summary of the most visible happenings at dScience in October.

Published Nov. 1, 2021 10:02 AM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2021 10:03 AM