Eight new PhD positions in machine learning

dScience has started a major investment in machine learning. As a part of the program eight new PhD positions are now announced. We look forward to many good applicants from Norway and abroad.

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Photo: Colourbox.com

Read more about the major investment and the Machine Learning Resarch Program (in Norwegian). 

Part of a large PhD community
Those who get a PhD scolarship with us will be part of a large community with several hundred PhD- and post.doc.-students within machine learning and related topics at the University of Oslo. dScience works systematically with the establishment and development of seminars and collaboration mechanisms. In particular these seminars and mechanisms will be tailored for researchers early in their carriers.  Stay tuned at dScience's website.

Machine Learning Methods and appliactions
The eight positions is hosted by research groups in informatics, mathematics, physics and geoscience. You will find more details about the position in the announcements, but they cover topics such as uncertainty and reliability of deep learning algorithms, machine/deep learning for progress in science, development of structures and systems for machine learning purposes, and the use of machine learning in different application areas, e.g. in medical diagnostics and drone surveillance.

By Morten D?hlen
Published Mar. 18, 2021 11:17 PM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2021 11:26 PM