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dScience Lunch Seminar: Late-time domain walls in cosmological simulations

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area with ?yvind Christiansen.

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The study of domain walls and topological defects has a rich history in cosmology and they provide a wide range of novel phenomenology to experimentally test them. The motivations that they have been studied under include seeding the initial overdensities for structure formation, driving inflation, seeding a stochastic gravitational wave background, and providing the skeleton for the formation of larger structures than you would expect in LCDM. They have furthermore been linked to resolutions of some of the late-time cosmological tensions. Their non-linear and dynamic nature motivates numerical studies that are still challenged by large dynamical ranges.

In this talk, ?yvind will present their implementation of late-time topological defects in the massively parallelised N-body and field lattice code gevolution. He will present some details on the domain walls' dynamics and observational signatures.


?yvind Christiansen is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA) at UiO. He studies extensions to gravity and the standard model of particle physics, using numerical simulations of the late stages of the universe.


11:30 – Doors open and lunch is served

12:00 – "Late-time domain walls in cosmological simulations" by ?yvind Christiansen (PhD Candidate, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics)

This event is open for all students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and everyone else who is interested in the topic. No registration needed.

About the seminar series

Once a month, dScience will invite you to join us for lunch and professional talks at the Science Library. In addition to these, we will serve lunch in our lounge in Kristine Bonnevies house every Thursday. Due to limited space (40 people), this will be first come, first served. See how to find us here.

Our lounge can also be booked by PhDs and Postdocs on a regular basis, whether it is for a meeting or just to hang out – we have fresh coffee all day long!

Lounge Calendar

Tags: dscience, postdoc, phd, lunch seminar
Published Mar. 7, 2024 2:48 PM - Last modified May 13, 2024 11:35 AM