Optimal Coordination of Energy Grids with High Penetration of Renewables Prosumerism
Contact person: Mathias Hudoba de Badyn
Keywords: optimal control, district heating, energy grids, transmission grids
Research group: Section for Energy Systems, Section for Cybernetics and Autonomous Systems
Department of Technology Systems (ITS)
The energy consumed by buildings for heating/cooling corresponds to 50% of the total energy consumption of the EU, 33% of that of Norway, and is responsible for a total of 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Optimizing this consumption with a cross-cutting approach across different energy grids (electric, district heating, gas, etc.) offers the potential of large-scale reduction of CO2 emissions. In this theme, we will explore control and optimization strategies for distributed coordination of such energy systems on the supplier and consumer side. Prosumerism initiatives involving individual buildings acting as aggregative thermal/electric reserves can be coupled with smart charging of electric cars, integration of PV and storage in individual buildings, and incentives for new heating technologies (eg. heat pumps, seasonal thermal storage). This theme will leverage research cooperation agreements with the Municipality of Lillestr?m and Akershus Energi Varme AS.
Relevant topics:
- Distributed MPC for energy consumption in buildings
- Machine Learning for energy consumption models & control
External partners:
- Municipality of Lillestr?m
- Akershus Energi Varme AS