Digital Twins

Contact persons: Einar Broch Johnsen, Arild Waaler
Keywords: digital twins, logic and/or formal methods, scenario exploration
Research groups: Reliable Systems (PSY), SIRIUS
Department of Informatics

Digital twins ( are model-centric systems that connect models to modelled systems in near real-time, turning the digital twin into a digital replica of its target system. Digital twins are currently receiving a lot of attention for their potential in optimization, scenario exploration and decision making in industry as well as their use in science and medicine. We are interested in methodological research on digital twins from a scientific perspective, based on logic and/or formal methods. To make digital twins adaptable to changes across the life-cycle of the modelled system, we believe that compositionality and modularity are fundamental properties of the digital twins of the future, both in the digital twin architecture and its models. Research proposals may span several methodological approaches within this scope, as well as a number of application domains.

Methodological research topics:

  • Formal methods: correctness and soundness of models
  • Knowledge representation: Ontologies and semantic technologies
  • Co-simulation and orchestration of simulators
  • Asset information modelling
  • Self-adaptation in digital twins, digital twin life-cycle
  • Decision-making with digital twins
  • Domain-specific languages for digital twins

Application domains for digital twins:

  • Natural systems and ecosystems
  • Sustainability
  • Healthcare
  • Pandemic prediction
  • Engineering

Mentoring and internship will be offered by a relevant external partner.