Rogue waves

Contact person: Karsten Trulsen   
Keywords: Rogue waves, criteria for prediction    
Research group: Mechanics
Department of Mathematics    

Rogue waves are unexpectedly large waves. They occur stochastically in the ocean and along the coast, being a threat to people and activities. We still do not have any useful criterion for their prediction and forecasting.

We propose a machine guided search, using extended data sets of observational data and computer simulated data and laboratory data, to identify precursors
for rogue waves in the ocean and along the coast. Our goal is to identify useful criteria for prediction and forecasting. We propose to check the quality of our findings in our Hydrodynamic Laboratory.

Publicly available data, both observational and hindcast data, are available from Also datasets of shallow water wave measurements from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea will be available.

Topics from natural sciences or technology:

  • Characteristics of “typical rogue waves”
  • Characteristics of “typical rogue runups”
  • Predictability of rogue waves 
  • Mechanism of “typical” rogue wave formation

Topics from methodological research:

  • Deep learning methods for spatial time-series data
  • Feature importance
  • Recursive feature elimination

External partners:

  • Norwegian Meteorological Institute (
  • Det norske Veritas (DNV)