Nettsider med emneord ?motion?

Publisert 16. aug. 2016 21:14

Solveig Aasen (IFIKK) and Kai Olav Ellefsen/Jim T?rresen (IFI) will present some of their latest research in music, dance, movement, robotics and health applications.

fourMs it says with letters. Illustration.
Publisert 24. juni 2017 21:08

The fourMs Forum is a monthly seminar for all interested researchers.

Publisert 21. jan. 2017 19:24

Tor Endestad will present the research of the FRONT neurolab in the Department of Psychology.

Image may contain: Eye, Eyelash, Eyebrow, Iris, Blue.
Publisert 17. juni 2017 17:28

An overview of eye tracking as research method and how it is used by some UiO researchers.

Publisert 21. jan. 2017 19:23

Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Victor Sanchez and Agata Zelechowska will present the new MICRO project.


Image may contain: Product, Technology, Electronic device, Electronics, Audio equipment.
Publisert 13. juni 2017 15:10

Presentation of our new researchers (Jonna Vuoskoski, Olivier Lartillot, Georgios Sioros) and a quick demonstration of our new Delsys EMG system.

Image may contain: Text, Font, Logo, Graphics, Brand.
Publisert 24. juni 2017 21:07

Presentations on film editing (Einar Egeland) and sports sonification (Henrik Herrebr?den).

Image may contain: Text, Font, Logo, Graphics, Brand.
Publisert 7. jan. 2017 18:16

Pritty and Patrick Patel-Grosz (Linguistics) and Bruno Laeng (Psychology) will present some of their latest research.

Publisert 21. jan. 2017 19:38

Jim T?rresen will present the ROBIN group at Department of Informatics.

Publisert 21. jan. 2017 19:27

Anne Danielsen, Kristian Nymoen, Mari Romarheim Haugen and Gui Camara present the new project "Timing and Sound in Musical Microrhythm" (TIME).

fourMs, music, mind, motion, machines st?r det med bokstaver. Utydelig bilde. Logo.
Publisert 4. juli 2012 13:02

The ? fourMs lab? (Music, Mind, Motion, Machines) is a world-class research infrastructure for studies of human body movement and physiology in an immersive multimedia environment.

Logo for  Sonic Interaction Design
Publisert 3. aug. 2012 09:40

The Sonic Interaction Design COST Action (IC0601) ran from 2008 to 2011.

Publisert 16. juni 2019 22:16

The Music, Motion, and Emotion-project will host a seminar with four open lectures at Department of Musicology:  Program Monday 10 May

Kl. 10.15-11.30, Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups Hus: Filosof Mark Johnson, University of Oregon Kl. 11.45-13.00, Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups Hus: Kognitiv psykolog Raymond Gibbs, University of California, Santa Cruz: "Embodiment in metaphorical imagination" Kl. 14.15-15.15, Salen, ZEB-bygget: Musikkviter Lawrence Zbikowski, University of Chicago Kl. 15.30-16.30, Salen, ZEB-bygget: Musikkviter Steve Larson, University of Oregon


fourMs it says with letters. Illustration.
Publisert 30. juni 2020 13:14

The fourMs Forum is a monthly seminar for all interested researchers.

Image may contain: Eyewear, Glasses, Forehead, Black-and-white, Photography.
Publisert 22. mars 2020 15:00

Videos are visual to start with, but they can be easier to understand if they are visualized. In this talk Alexander Refsum Jensenius will present some of his tools for creating alternative visualizations of video files.