
Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Bangladesh

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-bd)


H?yere utdanning fra Bangladesh

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l (final degree certificate).

Hvis du har fullf?rt bachelorgraden din i ?r, og ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let ditt kan vi godta et provisional certificate midlertidig. Merk at du i s? fall m? fremvise det endelige bachelorvitnem?let ditt dersom du f?r tilbud om opptak.

Kall PDF-filen final bachelor certificate / provisional bachelor certificate

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filen bachelortranscr


Higher education from Bangladesh

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

All applicants must provide a final bachelor's degree certificate. If you have completed your degree this year, we will accept your provisional/temporary certificate for a limited period of time. You will however have to submit a final degree certificate if you are admitted.

Name the PDF file final bachelor certificate / provisional bachelor certificate

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Norge

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-no)


H?yere utdanning fra Norge

Vi henter inn resultatene dine elektronisk i S?knadsweb (gjelder ikke BI og Oslo Nye H?yskole/Bj?rknes). Du m? selv sjekke at alle resultater er synlige i UiOs S?knadsweb under "eksterne resultater" og at det st?r at bachelorgrad er oppn?dd. 

Har du v?rt p? utveksling eller f?tt eksterne emner innpasset i graden din m? du ogs? dokumentere denne utdanningen med offisiell karakterutskrift fra l?restedet.

Hvis du har resultater fra Oslo Nye H?yskole/Bj?rknes m? du scanne og laste opp offisielt bachelorvitnem?l og karakterutskrift.

Har du oppn?dd en bachelorgrad fra BI m? du sende oss en lenke som gir oss tilgang til BIs egen verifiseringsportal Digital Certificate slik at vi kan f? verifisert vitnem?let ditt. Elektroniske vitnem?l fra BI er ikke gyldige uten at du sender oss verifiseringslenke via Digital Certificate. Merk at det ikke er tilstrekkelig med et dokument fra/en lenke til Vitnem?lsportalen for ? dokumentere at du har oppn?dd en bachelorgrad. Du skal ha tilgang til Digital Certificate via Studentportalen til BI. Du m? sette masteropptak(AT)admin.uio.no som mottaker og 1 ?r som tidsperiode for tilgang til verifisering.

Skal du kun dokumentere enkeltfag fra BI kan du bruke Vitnem?lsportalen. Dersom du har en eldre grad fra BI m? du laste opp kopi av ditt offisielle vitnem?l og din offisielle karakterutskrift (p? papir). 

Kall PDF-filene bachelor og bachelorutskr

Utdanning fra Universitetet i Oslo

Du trenger ikke ? laste opp dokumentasjon for utdanning fullf?rt eller emner du er oppmeldt til, ved Universitetet i Oslo. Har du v?rt p? utveksling m? du dokumentere denne utdanningen med offisiell karakterutskrift. Har du f?tt eksterne emner innpasset i graden din som ikke ligger i "eksterne resultater" m? du laste opp en offisiell karakterutskrift.

Du m? bestille vitnem?l s? snart som mulig hvis du tidligere har fullf?rt en grad ved UiO, men ikke har f?tt vitnem?let ditt enn?. Det gjelder ogs? deg som fullf?rer en fritt sammensatt bachelorgrad.

Du mottar vitnem?l automatisk hvis du g?r p? et bachelorprogram og f?lger anbefalt oppbygging.

Sjekk selv i StudentWeb om du er registrert med en bachelorgrad.


Higher education from Norway

We can import your higher education results from other Norwegian institutions (excluding BI and Oslo Nye H?yskole/Bj?rknes) to the application portal S?knadsweb. You must check that your results are available under "External Results" within the given deadline. 

Make sure to include separate transcripts for exchange semesters and recognised credits from previous education.

If you have education from Oslo Nye H?yskole/Bj?rknes you must scan and upload your official bachelor’s degree diploma and transcript of records. 

If you have documentation from BI you must send us a link that gives us access to BI's own verification portal Digital Certificate so that we can verify your diploma. Please note that electronic certificates from BI are not valid unless you provide us with a verification link via Digital Certificate. You will have access to this portal via BI's student portal. Note that a document from/a link to Vitnem?lsportalen is not sufficient to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree. Thus, you must provide us with a verification link to the Digital Certificate portal. You must add masteropptak(AT)admin.uio.no as a recipient, and a 1 year time period for verification.

If you have not completed a degree from BI yet and/or if you want to document your results completed to date you can download a digitally signed PDF via Vitnem?lsportalen and upload it to the application portal S?knadsweb.

Please name the PDF files bachelor and bachelortranscr

Do you have education from The University of Oslo?

You do not have to upload documentation for education completed at the University of Oslo.

You must order your final degree diploma as soon as possible if you previously have finished your bachelor's degree at the University of Oslo, but have not yet received your diploma. This also applies to you if you are completing a freely combined bachelor's degree.

Students following a bachelor's degree programme with the recommended programme structure will receive their final degree diploma automatically.

In StudentWeb you can check if you are registered with an obtained bachelor's degree.

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Pakistan

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-pk)


H?yere utdanning fra Pakistan

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? scanne og laste opp for- og baksiden p? det originale dokumentet attestert av the Higher Education Commission (HEC) med Rs. 400 stempel (eller h?yere). Dersom du i tillegg har en mastergrad m? du ogs? laste opp HEC-attestert mastergradsvitnem?l. For informasjon om HEC Degree Attestation Service kan du bes?ke HEC nettsiden.

Merk at s?kere uten endelig vitnem?l ikke vil bli tatt i betraktning.

Kall PDF-filene bachelor eller master

2. Karakterutskrifter

Last opp karakterutskrifter attestert av HEC med Rs. 400-stempel (eller h?yere). Dersom du i tillegg har en mastergrad m? du ogs? laste opp karakterutskrifter for mastergraden attestert av HEC.

Attesteringer fra annen kilde, som eksterne notary publics, vil ikke bli godkjent.

Universitetet ditt kan ogs? sende karakterutskrifter direkte dersom de tilbyr denne tjenesten. V?r adresse er:

Universitetet i Oslo

Seksjon for opptak

Postboks 1083 Blindern

0317 Oslo

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr / masterutskr

3. ID-dokumentet som ble registrert hos HEC

Du m? laste opp passet eller ID-kortet ditt som viser CNIC-nummeret som ble benyttet da du fikk attestert dokumentene dine hos HEC. Vi trenger dokumentet for ? verifisere HEC-stemplene dine.

Kall PDF-filen pass eller idkort.


Higher education from Pakistan

You must upload all three of the following:

1. Final degree certificates

Applications without a final bachelor's degree certificate will not be considered.

Scan and upload the front and back pages of the original document attested by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) with Rs.400 stamp (or higher). If you hold a master's degree you must also upload your HEC attested master's degree certificate. For information about the HEC Degree Attestation Service, please visit the HEC website.

Name your PDF files bachelor or master

2. Transcripts of records

Upload mark sheets attested by HEC with Rs.400 stamp (or higher). If you hold a master's degree you must also upload mark sheets for your master's attested by HEC.

Your university can also send your transcripts directly to the Admissions Office, if they offer this service. Our address is:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: Attestations from any other source, such as external notary publics, will not be accepted.

Name your PDF files bachelortranscr or mastertranscr

3. ID document registered at HEC

In order for us to be able to verify the HEC stamps, you must also upload your Passport or National ID card with the CNIC (Citizenship Number) used when applying for the HEC stamps in the application portal.

Name the PDF file passport or idcard.

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra United Kingdom

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-gb)


H?yere utdanning fra Storbritannia

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp original karakterutskrift. Dersom l?restedet ditt bruker GradIntel eller Digitary m? du gi oss en gyldig nettlenke for verifikasjon og legge til UiO som en tredjepart mottaker. Tilgang til dokumenter m? sendes til International[a]admin.uio.no. For Digitary, vennligst last opp et dokument med nettlenke til S?knadsweb.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr


Higher education from the United Kingdom

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

You must upload a scanned copy of the original document. 

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

You must upload a scanned copy of the original transcript/academic record. If your institution uses GradIntel or Digitary you must provide a valid weblink for verification. Please indicate UiO as a third party recipient. Document access information should be sent to international[a]admin.uio.no. For Digitary, please upload a document with the weblink to S?knadsWeb.

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses or modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Russland

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-ru)


H?yere utdanning fra Russland

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelordiplom. Alle sidene av dokumentet m? tas med og v?re synlig – inkludert informasjon om trykkeriet (e.g. "МПФ Гознака 1996"), som normalt finnes nederst p? siden eller p? baksiden av dokumentet. 

Kall PDF-filen bachelor. 

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp originalt Appendix/Vedlegg til diplom med karakterutskrift. Alle sidene av dokumentet m? tas med og v?re synlig – inkludert informasjon om trykkeriet (e.g. "МПФ Гознака 1996"), som normalt finnes nederst p? siden eller p? baksiden av dokumentet. 

I tillegg m? du laste opp en offisiell oversettelse av utdanningsdokumentene. (Europeisk) Diploma Supplement kan ikke erstatte en offisiell oversettelse av dokumentene; det kan heller ikke erstatte de originalspr?klige dokumentene, men kan ledsage dem.

Merk: Russiske originaldokumenter av h?yere utdanning utstedt i 2011 eller senere skal v?re apostillisert etter gjeldende regler satt av Rosobrnadzor. Gjennom apostillisering unders?kes dokumentenes ekthet. Denne oppgaven utf?res av bestemte offentlige kontorer/utdanningsmyndigheter i Russland. P? Rosobrnadzors nettside finner du detaljert informasjon om apostillisering. (OBS: Vi godtar?ikke Apostiller fra justismyndigheter, notarius publicus eller andre kontorer som Rosobrnadzor ikke henviser til.)

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift. 

Kall PDF-filen bachelortranscr. 


Higher education from the Russian Federation

1. Final bachelor's degree diploma

The original Diploma must be?uploaded.?All pages of?the document must be included, and all information on the pages must be visible. That includes information about the printing?mill (e.g. "МПФ Гознака 1996"), which usually is to be found at the bottom or on the reverse side of the document. 

Name the PDF file bachelor 

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

The original Appendix to Diploma containing a transcript of records must be?uploaded. All pages of the document must be included, and all information on the pages must be visible. That includes information about the printing?mill (e.g. "МПФ Гознака 1996"), which usually is to be found at the bottom or on the reverse side of the document. 

In addition, your Diploma and Appendix to Diploma must be translated by an authorized translator. The (European) Diploma Supplement cannot replace an official translation of your documents, and it cannot replace the original documents themselves, but it can accompany them.

Please note: Russian original documents of higher education issued in 2011 or later must be apostilled under the current rules set by Rosobrnadzor. The Apostille is for verifying authenticity of the documents and applies to documents in the state format (i.e. not the European Diploma Supplement). This certification is carried out by select government offices/education authorities in Russia. Please refer to Rosobrnadzor's web page for details. (NB: We do not accept Apostille from judicial authorities, public notary or other offices not referred to by Rosobrnadzor.) 

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses or modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.? 

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Kamerun

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-cm)


H?yere utdanning fra Kamerun

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Dersom du ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let enn? m? du laste opp en bekreftelse p? oppn?dd grad fra l?restedet (Success Certificate eller Attestation of results). En midlertidig bekreftelse er normalt bare gyldig i maks 5 ?r.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:
Universitetet i Oslo
Seksjon for opptak
Postboks 1083 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Vi forbeholder oss retten til ? kontakte l?restedet ditt for verifisering av utdanningsdokumentene dine.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr


Higher education from Cameroon

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original bachelor's degree diploma must be uploaded.

If you have not yet received a final bachelor's degree diploma you must upload a Success Certificate/Attestation of results. It must be clear from your transcript when the degree was conferred.

Note: We do not accept Success Certificates or Attestations) of results older than 5 years.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records/relevé de notes for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Please note that we reserve the right to verify your educational documents with the issuing institution at any time during the admission process.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Canada

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-ca)


H?yere utdanning fra Canada

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

Merk: hvis det kommer tydelig frem fra den offisielle karakterutskriften din at graden er tildelt trenger du ikke ? laste opp endelig vitnem?l.

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes som e-transcript (secure pdf) til international[a]admin.uio.no, eller direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo
Seksjon for opptak
Postboks 1083 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filen bachelorutskr


Higher education from Canada

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor

Note: If it is clear from the official transcript that the degree is awarded, you do not have to upload your final diploma.

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

E-transcript (secure PDF) sent to international[a]admin.uio.no


Official transcript sent directly from the issuing institution to:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly from the issuing institution to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Kina

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-cn)


H?yere utdanning fra Kina

Det er tre (3) dokumentkategorier. Du m? laste opp alle dokumentene som er listet opp under hver kategori:

1. Skannede originale dokumenter p? kinesisk

- Bachelordiplom (学士学位证书) 

- Graduation certificate (毕业证书) 

- Karakterutskrift (成绩单)  

Kall PDF-filene bachelor / bachelor-graduationcert / bachelor-transcr

2. Skannede offisielle oversettelser

- Offisiell oversettelse av bachelordiplom

- Offisiell oversettelse av graduation certificate

- Offisiell oversettelse av karakterutskrifter

Hvis l?restedet ditt ikke utsteder bachelordiplom, graduation certificate og offisiell karakterutskrift p? engelsk, m? du f? dem oversatt av en autorisert oversetter. Dokumentene m? v?re signert og stemplet av oversetteren. Merk at en verifiseringsrapport ikke kan erstatte en offisiell oversettelse.

Kall PDF-filene transl-bachelor / transl-graduation-cert / transl-transcr 

3. Tre verifiseringsrapporter p? engelsk  

Verifiseringsrapporter / online verifiseringsrapporter fra Center for Student Services and Development (CSSD) for:

- Bachelordiplom (学士学位证书) 

- Graduation certificate (毕业证书) 

- Karakterutskrift (成绩单)  

Rapportene m? skannes og lastes opp. Vi trenger det kinesiske ID-nummeret ditt for ? kunne verifisere disse rapportene, s? du m? laste opp dette i S?knadsweb.

Kall PDF-filene verif-bachelor/ verif-bachelor-graduationcert/ verif-bachelor-transcr

Merk at vi ikke godtar verifiseringsrapporter p? kinesisk. Dokumenter fra Notarius Publicus kan ikke erstatte verifiseringsrapporter.


Hvis du har en mastergrad som du ?nsker at vi skal ta med i vurderingen, m? du laste opp tilsvarende dokumentasjon som kreves for en bachelorgrad. 

Kall PDF-filene master / master-graduationcert / master-transcr / transl-master / master-transl-graduation-cert / master-transl-transcr / verif-master / verif-master-graduationcert / verif-master-transcr

Utveksling / innpassede emner

Har du v?rt p? utveksling eller f?tt eksterne emner innpasset i graden din, m? du ogs? dokumentere denne utdanningen med offisiell karakterutskrift fra l?restedet.


Higher education from China

There are three (3) categories of documents you must upload. For details please see the three points below. 

1. Scans of original documents in Chinese 

- Degree certificate (学士学位证书) 

- Graduation certificate (毕业证书) 

- Transcript of records (成绩单)  

Name the PDF files bachelor / bachelor-graduationcert / bachelor-transcr   

2. Scans of official translations into English 

- Official translation of the degree certificate 

- Official translation of the graduation certificate  

- Official translation of the transcript of records  

If your university does not provide degree certificate, graduation certificate and transcript of records in English, you must have them translated by an authorized translator. The documents must be signed and stamped by the translator. A verification report cannot replace an official translation.  

Name the PDF files transl-bachelor / transl-graduation-cert / transl-transcr 

3. Three verification reports in English  

Verification reports / online verification reports from Center for Student Services and Development (CSSD) for:

- Degree certificate (学士学位证书) 

- Graduation certificate (毕业证书) 

- Transcript of records (成绩单 ).

The reports must be scanned and uploaded. Please note that in order for us to be able to verify the reports, you must also upload your Chinese ID number in our application portal.

Name the PDF files verif-bachelor / verif-bachelor-graduationcert / verif-bachelor-transcr 

Note that we do NOT accept verification reports in Chinese. Documents from Notary Public cannot replace verification reports.

Master’s Degree 

The above documentation requirements apply if you have a master's degree you would like to have included in the evaluation in addition to your bachelor’s degree. 

Name the PDF files master / master-graduationcert / master-transcr / transl-master / master-transl-graduation-cert / master-transl-transcr / verif-master / verif-master-graduationcert / verif-master-transcr

Exchange studies / transfer credits

We ask that you include separate official transcripts for exchange semesters or transfer credits. 

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Etiopia

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-et)


H?yere utdanning fra Etiopia

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Dersom du ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let enn? m? du laste opp et midlertidig vitnem?l.

Et midlertidig vitnem?l er normalt bare gyldig i maks 5 ?r.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo

Seksjon for opptak

Postboks 1083 Blindern

0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din (din "student copy").

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filen bachelorutskr


Higher education from Ethiopia

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original diploma/certificate must be uploaded.

If you have not yet received a final Bachelor's Degree certificate you must upload a temporary certificate of graduation. It must be clear from your transcripts when the degree was conferred.

Note: We do not accept temporary certificates older than 5 years.

Name your PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
 Admissions Office
 P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
 NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses/credits from other institutions included in your degree, such as transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Frankrike

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-fr)


H?yere utdanning fra Frankrike

Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale Licence-/bachelorvitnem?l (Attestation de réussite eller Attestation de Dipl?me er ikke tilstrekkelig dokumentasjon).
Merk at vi normalt ikke godkjenner andre diplomer enn Dipl?me national/Dipl?me d'état/Dipl?me d'école revêtu d'un visa officiel/Dipl?me visé.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor


Du m? laste opp original karakterutskrift for alle ?rene i Licence-/bachelorgraden din (inkludert DEUG, hvis det er aktuelt).
Dokumentene m? v?re fysisk (ikke-digitalt) signert og stemplet av l?restedet. Vi godtar e-Transcripts ('secure' pdf-filer fra godkjente tredjepartsleverand?rer) og elektroniske karakterutskrifter /Diploma Supplement dersom de kan verifiseres.

Merk: Hvis spr?ket p? vitnem?l og karakterutskrifter ikke er engelsk eller et skandinavisk spr?k m? du laste opp en offisiell oversettelse av alle karakterutskriftene. Dersom l?restedet ditt ikke utsteder karakterutskrifter p? engelsk, m? de oversettes av en autorisert translat?r. Merk deg at en kopi av originalversjonen alltid skal f?lge med oversettelsen.

Har du v?rt p? utveksling eller f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du laste opp egen offisiell karakterutskrift fra vertsuniversitetet selv om du har f?tt innpasset utdanningen i graden din.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr


Higher education from France

1. Final Licence degree diploma

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded (Attestation de réussite or Attestation de Dipl?me is not sufficient).
Please note that we normally do not accept diplomas other than Dipl?me national/Dipl?me d'état/Dipl?me d'école revêtu d'un visa officiel/Dipl?me visé.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records/relevé de notes for your bachelor's degree

Please upload a scan of the original transcripts for all years in your Licence degree (including DEUG, if applicable).
Note that we only accept e-Transcripts (secure pdfs issued by certified providers) and/or digital transcripts if they are verifiable.

Note: If the language of the original document is not English or a Scandinavian language, you must upload an official translation. If your university does not provide transcripts in English, you must have them translated by an authorized translator. Please note that the original language version must always accompany the translation.

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Ghana

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-gh)


H?yere utdanning fra Ghana

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Dersom du ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let enn? m? du laste opp en bekreftelse p? oppn?dd grad fra l?restedet (Success Certificate eller Attestation of results). En midlertidig bekreftelse er normalt bare gyldig i maks 5 ?r.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo

Seksjon for opptak

Postboks 1083 Blindern

0317 Oslo

Dersom ditt universitet ikke tilbyr denne servicen kan du sende karakterutskriften selv. Karakterutskriften m? da komme i en ubrutt, forseglet og stemplet konvolutt fra ditt universitet.

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Vi forbeholder oss retten til ? kontakte l?restedet ditt for verifisering av utdanningsdokumentene dine.

Kall PDF-filen bachelorutskr


Higher education from Ghana

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

If you have not yet received a final bachelor's degree certificate you must upload a Success Certificate or Attestation of results. It must be clear from your transcript when the degree was conferred.

A Success Certificate or Attestation of results can normally not replace a final diploma for more than 5 years after graduation.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
 Admissions Office
 P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
 NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

If this service is not offered by your university you can send the transcript yourself. The transcript must be in an unbroken, sealed and stamped envelope from your university.

In addition, you must scan and upload your student copy.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses from other institutions included in your degree, such as transfer or exempted credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Hellas

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-gr)


H?yere utdanning fra Hellas

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filen bachelorutskr


Higher education from Greece

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name your PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra India

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-in)


H?yere utdanning fra India

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l (final degree certificate).

S?knader uten opplastet bachelorvitnem?l vil ikke bli vurdert. Hvis du har fullf?rt bachelorgraden din i ?r, og ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let ditt kan vi godta et provisional certificate midlertidig. Merk at du i s? fall vil bli bedt om ? fremvise det endelige bachelorvitnem?let ditt dersom du f?r tilbud om opptak.

Degree certificates fra affiliated/autonomous colleges vil ikke bli vurdert. Dokumentet m? v?re utstedt av universitetet.

Kall PDF-filen final bachelor certificate / provisional bachelor certificate

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Merk: karakterutskrifter fra affiliated colleges vil ikke bli vurdert. Dokumentasjonen m? v?re utstedt av universitetet eller et autonomous college.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift.

Vi forbeholder oss retten til ? kontakte l?restedet ditt for verifisering av utdanningsdokumentene dine.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr


Higher education from India

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded. 

Applications without a final bachelor's degree certificate will not be considered. If you have completed your degree this year and not received your final degree certificate, we will accept your provisional/temporary certificate for now, but you will be asked to submit your final degree certificate if you are admitted.

Please note: the degree certificate must be issued by the university. Degree certificates issued by autonomous/affiliated colleges will not be considered. 

Name the PDF file final bachelor certificate / provisional bachelor certificate

2. Transcript of records/marks sheets for your bachelor's degree

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded. 

Note: The transcript(s) must be issued by your university or an autonomous college. Transcripts issued by affiliated colleges will not be considered.

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exempted or transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Please note that we reserve the right to verify your educational documents with the issuing institution at any time during the admission process.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Iran

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-ir)


H?yere utdanning fra Iran

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

I noen tilfeller godtar vi midlertidige vitnem?l. Dersom du ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let ditt kan du laste opp en erkl?ring som forklarer hvorfor.

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en scan av karakterutskrift for bachelorgraden din og eventuelt din Associate degree, hvis du har det.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr og ev. associateutskr

3. Sertifiserte oversettelser 

Hvis l?restedet ditt utsteder dokumenter p? engelsk trenger du ikke oversettelser. Hvis du bare har originaler p? persisk m? du laste opp oversettelse av disse. Oversettelser m? sertifiseres av The Iranian Ministry of Justice (b?de lokale og sentrale stemper godkjennes) Originalen m? alltid f?lge oversettelsen

Kall PDF-filen oversettelse


Higher education from Iran

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate         

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor

Note: In certain cases, we may consider provisional/temporary certificates. If you don't have a final degree diploma/certificate, please include a written statement with your application explaining why.

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree         

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded. If you have completed an associate degree prior to your bachelor's degree, you must upload transcript of records for this degree as well.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr/associatetranscr

3. Translations certified by the Iranian Ministry of Justice

If your university offers documents issued in English, please upload these documents stamped and signed by the university registrar, as well as the original documents in Persian.

If your university does not offer documents issued in English, an official translation made by an authorised translator and certified by the Iranian Ministry of Justice (local or central administration) must be uploaded. The original Persian versions must always accompany the translations.

Name the PDF file transl

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Italia

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-it)


H?yere utdanning fra Italia

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad (Pergamena di Laurea)

Du m? laste opp ditt offisielle bachelorvitnem?l (Pergamena di Laurea). Vitnem?let m? v?re stemplet og signert ved l?restedet.

Dersom du laster opp e-Transcript eller godkjent elektronisk signert karakterutskrift/Diploma Supplement som bekrefter at grad er oppn?dd, beh?ver du ikke ? laste opp bachelorvitnem?let.  

Kall PDF-filen bachelor.

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp offisiell karakterutskrift eller Diploma Supplement for graden, som viser alle dine oppn?dde emner, studiepoeng og karakterer. Vi godtar e-Transcripts ('secure' PDF-filer fra godkjente tredjepartsleverand?rer) og elektroniske karakterutskrifter /Diploma Supplement som vi f?r verifisert. Dersom l?restedet ditt ikke tilbyr dette, m? du laste opp karakterutskrift/Diploma Supplement med fysisk (ikke-digitalt) stempel og h?ndskrevet signatur fra l?restedet. Karakterutskrifter m? v?re utstedt av Area Segreterie e Servizi agli Studenti/Area Gestione Didattica. 

Merk at vi IKKE godtar f?lgende: karakterutskrifter signert av s?keren (autocertificazione/dichiarazione), selv om prosedyren er vanlig i Italia; skjermdump fra studentweb; elektroniske karakterutskrifter som vi ikke f?r verifisert.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du i tillegg dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med en egen offisiell karakterutskrift.  

Kall PDF-filen bachelorutskr.


Higher education from Italy   

1. Final bachelor's degree diploma (Pergamena di Laurea)

You must upload your official bachelor’s diploma/certificate (Pergamena di Laurea). The document must be issued by the university and bear original stamps and signatures. 

If you upload e-Transcript or digitally signed transcript of records/Diploma Supplement we can verify, which confirms that you have completed your degree, you do not need to upload the diploma.  

Name the PDF file bachelor.

2. Transcripts of records   

You must upload official transcript of records or Diploma Supplement for your degree, which lists all your completed courses/modules, credits and grades.

We accept e-Transcripts (secure PDFs issued by certified providers) and digital transcripts we can verify. If your institution does not offer this, you must upload transcript/Diploma Supplement with physical (non-digital) stamp and handwritten signature of the Registrar. Transcripts of records must be issued by Area Segreterie e Servizi agli Studenti/Area Gestione Didattica. 

Please note that we do NOT accept the following: transcripts signed by the applicant (autocertificazione/dichiarazione), even if this procedure is common in Italy; screenshots from online student information accounts; electronic transcripts which we are not able to verify. 

You must also submit separate official transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in case of admission to bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing. 

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr.

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Nepal

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-np)


H?yere utdanning fra Nepal

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l (final degree certificate).

S?knader uten opplastet bachelorvitnem?l vil ikke bli vurdert. Hvis du har fullf?rt bachelorgraden din i ?r, og ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let ditt kan vi godta et provisional certificate midlertidig. Merk at du i s? fall vil bli bedt om ? fremvise det endelige bachelorvitnem?let ditt dersom du f?r tilbud om opptak.

Kall PDF-filen final bachelor certificate / provisional bachelor certificate

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filen bachelortranscr


Higher education from Nepal

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Applications without a final bachelor's degree certificate will not be considered. If you have completed your degree this year and not received your final degree certificate, we will accept your provisional/temporary certificate for now, but you will be asked to submit your final degree certificate if you are admitted. Please note that the degree certificate cannot be substituted by a character certificate or other certificates.

Name the PDF file final bachelor certificate / provisional bachelor certificate

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Nigeria

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-ng)


H?yere utdanning fra Nigeria

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Dersom du ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let enn? m? du laste opp en bekreftelse p? oppn?dd grad fra l?restedet (Success Certificate eller Attestation of results). En midlertidig bekreftelse er normalt bare gyldig i maks 5 ?r.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo

Seksjon for opptak

Postboks 1083 Blindern

0317 Oslo

Merk at vi ikke godtar transcripts sendt p? e-post fra l?restedet.

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested i Nigeria m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filen bachelortranscr


Higher education from Nigeria

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

If you have not yet received a final bachelor's degree diploma you must upload a Success Certificate or Attestation of results. It must be clear from your transcript when the degree was conferred.

Success Certificates or Attestation of results are normally only valid for 5 years after graduation.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Please note that we do not accept transcripts sent by email.

In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses from other institutions included in your degree, such as transfer or exempted credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Please note that we reserve the right to verify your educational documents with the issuing institution at any time during the admission process.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Tanzania

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-tz)


H?yere utdanning fra Tanzania

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Dersom du ikke har mottatt det endelige vitnem?let enn? m? du laste opp en bekreftelse p? oppn?dd grad fra l?restedet (Success Certificate eller Attestation of results). En midlertidig bekreftelse er normalt bare gyldig i maks 5 ?r.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo

Seksjon for opptak

Postboks 1083 Blindern

0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filen bachelortranscr


Higher education from Tanzania

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

If you have not yet received a final Bachelor's Degree diploma you must upload a Success Certificate/Attestation of results. It must be clear from your transcript when the degree was conferred.

Note: We do not accept Success Certificate(s)/Attestation(s) of results older than 5 years.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses from other institutions included in your degree, such as transfer or exempted credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Filippinene

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-ph)


H?yere utdanning fra Filippinene

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelor- og mastervitnem?l. Vitnem?let m? v?re stemplet og signert ved l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filene bachelor og master

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo

Seksjon for opptak

Postboks 1083 Blindern

0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filene bachelortranscr og mastertranscr


Higher education from The Philippines

1. Final bachelor's and master's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF files bachelor and master

2. Transcript of academic records

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name your PDF files bachelortranscr and mastertranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Ukraina

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-ua)


H?yere utdanning fra Ukraina

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelordiplom. Alle sidene av dokumentet m? inkluderes og v?re synlig.

Kall PDF-filene bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp det originale supplementet/vedlegget til diplomet. Alle sidene av dokumentet m? inkluderes og v?re synlig.

Merk: H?yere utdanningsdokumenter utstedt i Ukraina skal v?re apostillisert etter gjeldende regler satt av det ukrainske utdanningsdepartementet. Denne legaliseringen av originaldokumenter utf?res av Information and Image Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Du kan finne detaljert informasjon om apostillisering p? nettsiden til?Information and Image Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: https://apostille.in.ua/en/. (OBS: Vi godtar ikke Apostiller fra justismyndigheter, notarius publicus eller andre offentlige kontorer.)

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift. 

Kall PDF-filene bachelortranscr


Higher education from Ukraine

1. Final bachelor's degree diploma with Apostille

A scan of the original Diploma must be uploaded. All pages of the document must be included, and all information on the pages must be visible. 

Name your PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records with Apostille

A scan of the original Supplement/Appendix to Diploma must be uploaded. All pages of the document must be included, and all information on the pages must be visible.

Please note: Higher education documents issued in Ukraine must be apostilled under current rules set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This certification of original documents is carried out by the?Information and Image Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Detailed information on the Apostille can be found on the website of the?Information and Image Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: https://apostille.in.ua/en/. (NB: We do not accept Apostilles from judicial authorities, notary public or other offices.)

You must also submit separate transcripts for courses or modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s program due to advanced standing.

Name your PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra USA

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-us)


H?yere utdanning fra USA

Karakterutskrift for bachelorgraden din der det fremg?r at bachelorgraden er oppn?dd

E-transcript (secure pdf) sendt til international[a]admin.uio.no


Offisiell karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo

Seksjon for opptak

Postboks 1083 Blindern

0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filen bachelortranscr


Higher education from USA

Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree, on which it must be stated that you have been awarded your degree

E-transcript (secure PDF) sent to international@admin.uio.no


Official transcript sent directly from the issuing institution to:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway


Upload a student copy of your transcript of records.

Do you have transfer credits?

Then you must provide separate official transcripts sent directly from each of the issuing institutions, as well as uploading your student copy.

Name your PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Australia

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-au)


H?yere utdanning fra Australia

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad (testamur)

Last opp en lenke i S?knadsweb til ditt vitnem?l i My eQuals. Dersom ditt universitet ikke tilbyr denne tjenesten m? du laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Dersom du har en mastergrad i tillegg dokumenterer du mastervitnem?let p? samme m?te.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor eller master

2. Karakterutskrifter

Last opp en lenke i S?knadsweb til dine dokumenter i My eQuals. Dersom ditt universitet ikke tilbyr denne tjenesten m? du laste opp en scan av karakterutskriftene dine. 

Kall PDF-filen bachelortranscr eller mastertranscr


Higher education from Australia

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate (testamur)

Paste a link into a text document that directs to your official documents in My eQuals and upload it to the application portal S?knadsweb. If your university does not offer this service, please upload a scan of your official final bachelor's degree certificate (testamur). If you hold a master's degree, your master's degree certificate should be documented in the same way.

Name your PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

Paste a link that directs to your official documents available in My eQuals into a text document, and upload it to the application portal S?knadsweb. If your university does not offer this service, please upload a scan of the official transcript.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Hong Kong

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-hk)


H?yere utdanning fra Hong Kong

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo
Seksjon for opptak
Postboks 1083 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr


Higher education from Hong Kong

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original bachelor's degree diploma/certificate must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Macao

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-mo)


H?yere utdanning fra Macao

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo
Seksjon for opptak
Postboks 1083 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr


Higher education from Macao

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original bachelor's degree diploma/certificate must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Taiwan

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-tw)


H?yere utdanning fra Taiwan

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l.

Kall PDF-filen bachelor

2. Karakterutskrifter

Karakterutskrifter m? sendes direkte fra l?restedet til:

Universitetet i Oslo
Seksjon for opptak
Postboks 1083 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Du m? i tillegg laste opp en scan av karakterutskriften din.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested m? du dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med egen karakterutskrift sendt direkte fra l?restedet.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr


Higher education from Taiwan

1. Final bachelor's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original bachelor's degree diploma/certificate must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records for your bachelor's degree

To be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the issuing institution:

The University of Oslo
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1081 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Note: In addition, you must upload a scanned copy of your transcript. However, only applications with transcripts that are sent directly to the Admissions Office will be considered.

In the same manner you must also submit separate transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in cases of admission to a bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Den dominikanske republikk

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-do)


H?yere utdanning fra Den dominikanske republikk

1. Bachelorvitnem?l og karakterutskrifter legalisert av Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología

For informasjon om legaliseringsprosessen, se nettsidene til Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología.

Kall PDF-filene bachelor og bachelorutskr

2. Oversettelser utf?rt av en autorisert translat?r

Oversettelse til engelsk eller et skandinavisk spr?k.


Higher education from the Dominican Republic

1. Bachelor's degree certificate legalized by the Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología

A scanned copy of the original bachelor's degree diploma (Titulo original) must be uploaded in addition to a an official translation to English or a Scandinavian language.

For more information about the legalization process, please see the Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (Mescyt) website.

Name the PDF file bachelor

2. Transcript of records legalized by the Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología

A scanned copy of the original bachelor's degree transcript (Record de Notas) must be uploaded in addition to a an official translation to English or a Scandinavian language.

For more information about the legalization process, please see the Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (Mescyt) website.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Turkmenistan

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-tm)


H?yere utdanning fra Turkmenistan

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Vitnem?let m? v?re stemplet og signert

Kall PDF-filene bachelor og master

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en offisiell karakterutskrift eller Diploma Supplement for graden, som viser alle dine oppn?dde emner, studiepoeng og karakterer. Dokumentet m? ha fysisk (ikke-digitalt) stempel og h?ndskrevet signatur fra l?restedet. Vi godtar ogs? e-Transcripts ('secure' pdf-filer fra godkjente tredjepartsleverand?rer) og elektroniske karakterutskrifter /Diploma Supplement som vi f?r verifisert.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du i tillegg dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med en egen offisiell karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr og mastertranscr


Higher education from Turkmenistan

1. Final bachelor's and master's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor and master

2. Transcript of academic records

You must upload an official transcript of records or Diploma Supplement for your degree, which lists all your completed courses/modules, credits and grades. The document must bear a physical (non-digital) stamp and a handwritten signature of the Registrar. We also accept e-Transcripts (secure pdfs issued by certified providers) and digital transcripts we can verify.

You must also submit separate official transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in case of admission to bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr and mastertranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Myanmar

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-mm)


H?yere utdanning fra Myanmar

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Vitnem?let m? v?re stemplet og signert

Kall PDF-filene bachelor og master

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en offisiell karakterutskrift eller Diploma Supplement for graden, som viser alle dine oppn?dde emner, studiepoeng og karakterer. Dokumentet m? ha fysisk (ikke-digitalt) stempel og h?ndskrevet signatur fra l?restedet. Vi godtar ogs? e-Transcripts ('secure' pdf-filer fra godkjente tredjepartsleverand?rer) og elektroniske karakterutskrifter /Diploma Supplement som vi f?r verifisert.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du i tillegg dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med en egen offisiell karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr og mastertranscr


Higher education from Myanmar

1. Final bachelor's and master's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor and master

2. Transcript of academic records

You must upload an official transcript of records or Diploma Supplement for your degree, which lists all your completed courses/modules, credits and grades. The document must bear a physical (non-digital) stamp and a handwritten signature of the Registrar. We also accept e-Transcripts (secure pdfs issued by certified providers) and digital transcripts we can verify.

You must also submit separate official transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in case of admission to bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr and mastertranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Mongolia

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-mn)


Higher education from Mongolia

1. Final bachelor's and master's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor and master

2. Transcript of academic records

You must upload an official transcript of records or Diploma Supplement for your degree, which lists all your completed courses/modules, credits and grades. The document must bear a physical (non-digital) stamp and a handwritten signature of the Registrar. We also accept e-Transcripts (secure pdfs issued by certified providers) and digital transcripts we can verify.

You must also submit separate official transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in case of admission to bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr and mastertranscr


H?yere utdanning fra Mongolia

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Vitnem?let m? v?re stemplet og signert

Kall PDF-filene bachelor og master

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en offisiell karakterutskrift eller Diploma Supplement for graden, som viser alle dine oppn?dde emner, studiepoeng og karakterer. Dokumentet m? ha fysisk (ikke-digitalt) stempel og h?ndskrevet signatur fra l?restedet. Vi godtar ogs? e-Transcripts ('secure' pdf-filer fra godkjente tredjepartsleverand?rer) og elektroniske karakterutskrifter /Diploma Supplement som vi f?r verifisert.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du i tillegg dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med en egen offisiell karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr og mastertranscr

Dokumentasjon av utdanning fra Laos

(ID: master-dok-utdanning-la)


H?yere utdanning fra Laos

1. Endelig vitnem?l for oppn?dd grad

Du m? laste opp ditt originale bachelorvitnem?l. Vitnem?let m? v?re stemplet og signert

Kall PDF-filene bachelor og master

2. Karakterutskrifter

Du m? laste opp en offisiell karakterutskrift eller Diploma Supplement for graden, som viser alle dine oppn?dde emner, studiepoeng og karakterer. Dokumentet m? ha fysisk (ikke-digitalt) stempel og h?ndskrevet signatur fra l?restedet. Vi godtar ogs? e-Transcripts ('secure' pdf-filer fra godkjente tredjepartsleverand?rer) og elektroniske karakterutskrifter /Diploma Supplement som vi f?r verifisert.

Har du f?tt innpasset utdanning fra et annet l?rested, m? du i tillegg dokumentere den innpassede utdanningen med en egen offisiell karakterutskrift.

Kall PDF-filene bachelorutskr og mastertranscr


Higher education from Laos

1. Final bachelor's and master's degree certificate

A scanned copy of the original document must be uploaded.

Name the PDF file bachelor and master

2. Transcript of academic records

You must upload an official transcript of records or Diploma Supplement for your degree, which lists all your completed courses/modules, credits and grades. The document must bear a physical (non-digital) stamp and a handwritten signature of the Registrar. We also accept e-Transcripts (secure pdfs issued by certified providers) and digital transcripts we can verify.

You must also submit separate official transcripts for courses/modules from other institutions included in your degree, such as exchange semesters, transfer credits or in case of admission to bachelor’s programme due to advanced standing.

Name the PDF file bachelortranscr and mastertranscr