
Engelsk spr?k minimum

(ID: master-dok-sprak-engelsk-min)


Dokumentasjon av norsk og engelsk for generell studiekompetanse

Dersom du har vitnem?l fra norsk videreg?ende skole som gir generell studiekompetanse, dekkes spr?kkravene til norsk og engelsk med fagene p? vitnem?let.

Du kan selv se i S?knadsweb om du er registrert med generell studiekompetanse. Er du registrert med generell studiekompetanse trenger du ikke dokumentere dette. Se skjermbilde.

Se hvordan du ellers kan dokumentere at du har tilstrekkelige kunnskaper i norsk og engelsk.

Kall PDF-filene engelsk og norsk.


Documentation of English language proficiency


Upload a copy of your official Test Taker Score Report. The University of Oslo will verify your test result online.


Upload a copy of your official test result with a legible TRF number in the bottom right corner. The University of Oslo will verify your test result online. It is currently not possible to submit test results with an IELTS institutional code.


Send your score report to the University of Oslo through your Pearson account. In addition, upload a PDF of your score report.

Cambridge Assessment English

You must send your results to the University of Oslo via the Cambridge English Candidate Results Website. Log in using your 'ID number' and 'secret number' and click 'Send my result'. In addition, you must upload your Statement of Results to the application portal. 

International Baccalaureate (IB)

You must upload your official IB Diploma/certificate and official transcript of records. 

Country-specific exemptions

Secondary school

Applicants that are exempt from submitting an English language test due to fulfilling the stated upper secondary education requirements: 

Scan and upload your official certificate/diploma and transcripts documenting that you have completed your upper secondary education. If you have completed Norwegian upper secondary school and have an electronic diploma, you do not need to upload this. 

You do not need to submit a translation of your upper secondary documents, even if the original language is not English or a Scandinavian language. (Please note however, that all other required documents must be translated if the original language is not English or a Scandinavian language.) 

Name the pdf-file secondary 

Higher education


In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic subjects from Australia, you must paste a link into a text document that directs to your official documents in My eQuals and upload it to the application portal S?knadsweb. If your university does not offer this service, please upload a scan of the official transcript and a scan of your official final bachelor's degree certificate (testamur). 


In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic studies from Canada, your official transcript of records must be sent directly from your institution. Either as an e-Transcript (secure PDF) or by regular mail.

E- mail address: international@admin.uio.no.

Postal address: The University of Oslo, Admissions Office, P.O. Box 1081, Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

For courier service: The University of Oslo, Admissions Office, 3rd floor, Lucy Smith Building, Problemveien 7, NO-0371 Oslo, Norway


In order to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree with English as the language of instruction in Denmark, you must upload your final degree diploma and official transcript.

If you have completed a minimum of one year of master's degree studies (corresponding to 60 ECTS credits) with English as the language of instruction in Denmark, the study level and language of instruction must be documented with a diploma supplement or a statement from your university, confirming that your completed courses were taught in English at master's level.


In order to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree with English as the language of instruction in Finland, you must upload your final degree diploma and official transcript.

If you have completed a minimum of one year of master's degree studies (corresponding to 60 ECTS credits) with English as the language of instruction in Finland, the study level and language of instruction must be documented with a diploma supplement or a statement from your university, confirming that your completed courses were taught in English at master's level.


In order to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree with English as the language of instruction in Iceland, you must upload your final degree diploma and official transcript.

If you have completed a minimum of one year of master's degree studies (corresponding to 60 ECTS credits) with English as the language of instruction in Iceland, the study level and language of instruction must be documented with a diploma supplement or a statement from your university, confirming that your completed courses were taught in English at master's level.


In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic subjects from Ireland, you must upload an official transcript of records and an official bachelor's degree certificate. 

The Netherlands

In order to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree with English as the language of instruction in the Netherlands, you must upload your final degree diploma and official transcript.

If you have completed a minimum of one year of master's degree studies (corresponding to 60 ECTS credits) with English as the language of instruction in The Netherlands, the study level and language of instruction must be documented with a diploma supplement or a statement from your university, confirming that your completed courses were taught in English at master's level.

New Zealand

In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic subjects from New Zealand, you must paste a link into a text document that directs to your official documents in My eQuals and upload it to the application portal S?knadsweb. If your university does not offer this service, please upload a scan of the official transcript and a scan of your official final bachelor's degree certificate.


In order to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree with English as the language of instruction in Norway, you must upload your final degree diploma and official transcript, unless your higher education results from other Norwegian institutions (excluding BI and Oslo Nye H?yskole/Bj?rknes) have been imported to the application portal S?knadsweb. You must check that your results are available under "External Results" within the given deadline.

If you have completed a minimum of one year of master's degree studies (corresponding to 60 ECTS credits) with English as the language of instruction in Norway, the study level and language of instruction must be documented with a diploma supplement or a statement from your university, confirming that your completed courses were taught in English at master's level.

South Africa

Applicants who have completed both upper secondary school taught in English in South Africa, and an honours bachelor’s degree taught in English in South Africa. Please upload the official diploma and transcript for both your upper secondary school and your honours bachelor's degree. 


In order to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree with English as the language of instruction in Sweden, you must upload your final degree diploma and official transcript.

If you have completed a minimum of one year of master's degree studies (corresponding to 60 ECTS credits) with English as the language of instruction in Sweden, the study level and language of instruction must be documented with a diploma supplement or a statement from your university, confirming that your completed courses were taught in English at master's level.

United Kingdom

In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic studies from the UK, you must upload a scanned copy of the original transcript/academic record and diploma/degree certificate. If your institution uses GradIntel or Digitary you must provide a valid weblink for verification. Please indicate UiO as a third party recipient. Document access information should be sent to international[a]admin.uio.no. For Digitary, please upload a document with the weblink to S?knadsweb.


In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic studies from USA, your official transcript of records must be sent directly from your institution. Either as an e-Transcript (secure PDF) or by regular mail.

E- mail address: international@admin.uio.no.

Postal address: The University of Oslo, Admissions Office, P.O. Box 1081, Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

For courier service: The University of Oslo, Admissions Office, 3rd floor, Lucy Smith Building, Problemveien 7, NO-0371 Oslo, Norway


Name the PDF-file English.

Spr?kkrav tospr?klige programmer

(ID: master-dok-sprak-tospraklige)


Norsk og engelsk for generell studiekompetanse

Dersom du har vitnem?l fra norsk videreg?ende skole som gir generell studiekompetanse, dekkes spr?kkravene til norsk og engelsk med fagene p? vitnem?let.

Du kan selv se i S?knadsweb om du er registrert med generell studiekompetanse. Er du registrert med generell studiekompetanse trenger du ikke dokumentere dette.

Hvis du ikke er registrert med generell studiekompetanse, og har elektronisk vitnem?l fra norsk videreg?ende skole i NVB, kan du samtykke til at vi henter det inn.

Hvis du har utdanning fra utenfor Norden, last opp dokumentasjon p? at du dekker kravet til norsk og engelsk for generell studiekompetanse.

Engelskkrav for engelskspr?klige masterprogrammer

Hvis du ikke dekker kravet til norsk, m? du dokumentere at du dekker det h?yere engelskkravet for engelskspr?klige masterprogrammer

Kall PDF-filene engelsk og norsk.


Documentation of English language proficiency


Upload a copy of your official Test Taker Score Report. The University of Oslo will verify your test result online.


Upload a copy of your official test result with a legible TRF number in the bottom right corner.The University of Oslo will verify your test result online. It is currently not possible to submit test results with an IELTS institutional code.


Send your score report to the University of Oslo through your Pearson account. In addition, upload a PDF of your score report.

Cambridge Assessment English

You must send your results to the University of Oslo via the Cambridge English Candidate Results Website. Log in using your 'ID number' and 'secret number' and click 'Send my result'. In addition, you must upload your Statement of Results to the application portal.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

You must upload your official IB Diploma/certificate and official transcript of records. 


Name the PDF-file English.

Country-specific exemptions

Secondary school

Applicants that are exempt from submitting an English language test due to fulfilling the stated upper secondary education requirements: 

Scan and upload your official certificate/diploma and transcripts documenting that you have completed your upper secondary education. If you have completed Norwegian upper secondary school and have an electronic diploma, you do not need to upload this. 

You do not need to submit a translation of your upper secondary documents, even if the original language is not English or a Scandinavian language. (Please note however, that all other required documents must be translated if the original language is not English or a Scandinavian language.) 

Name the pdf-file secondary 

Higher education


In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic subjects from Australia, you must paste a link into a text document that directs to your official documents in My eQuals and upload it to the application portal S?knadsweb. If your university does not offer this service, please upload a scan of the official transcript and a scan of your official final bachelor's degree certificate (testamur). 


In order to document that you fulfil the requirement with academic studies from Canada, your official transcript of records must be sent directly from your institution. Either as an e-Transcript (secure PDF) or by regular mail.

E- mail address: international@admin.uio.no.

Postal address: The University of Oslo, Admissions Office, P.O. Box 1081, Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

For courier service: The University of Oslo, Admissions Office, 3rd floor, Lucy Smith Building, Problemveien 7, NO-0371 Oslo, Norway


In order to document that you have completed a bachelor's degree with English as the language of instruction in Denmark, you must upload your fi